Ted Cruz: 41 Democrats Senators Have Signed On To Repealing The First Amendment (Video)

May 24, 2014


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told attendees at a Family Research Council pastors retreat that Senate Democrats want to limit free speech through amending the Constitution.

“When you think it can’t get any worse, it does,” Cruz said at the FRC’s Watchmen on the Wall 2014 event in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. “This year, I’m sorry to tell you, the United States Senate is going to be voting on a constitutional amendment to repeal the First Amendment.”

2 thoughts on “Ted Cruz: 41 Democrats Senators Have Signed On To Repealing The First Amendment (Video)”

  1. This gaggle of fools are an excellent indication as to why the US is no longer a world power. Idiots, the lot of them, and no way to get rid of them.


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