– Alaska’s aquatic, marine life dying off due to widespread contamination – expert (Voice of Russia, May 14, 2014):
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is beating the drum against marine ecosystem contamination after the most recent examination of soil and water at Seward Ship’s Drydock has shown the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals and petroleum byproducts.
It should be noted that in February, 2014, GeoTek Alaska bored 14 sample holes in uplands and tidelands of the site and carried out analysis of soil samples, sediment, and water, which indicated PAHs in concentrations above “probable effects level,” as well as the presence of several other contaminants, including tributyl tin (currently a prohibited substance in bottom paint), but not in concentrations above the “screening level.” However, “the probable effects level does not mean a clean-up level and does not necessarily obligate the responsible party to take action,” according to Seward City News.
Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance (RBCA) is expressing serious concerns about Seward Ships pollution, referring to the fact that earlier, in 2004, Seward Ships dumped 189 cubic yards of sandblasting residue contaminated with petroleum byproducts in the region.
“Widespread legacy contamination that was revealed in 2004 by RBCA and confirmed by the EPA in 2006 and now reaffirmed by Vigor Marine’s contractor is clearly the result of decades of irresponsible and often unpermitted and noncompliant waste-generating operations on public property leased to Seward Ship’s Drydock and others. Tributyl tin is a biocide that was designed to kill all aquatic and marine life that it comes in contact with,” said Russ Maddox, a RBCA representative.
City of Seward can demand $1 million dollars of insurance from Seward Ship’s if further contamination is disclosed in the next four years. And that is not all, further sampling or more expensive upland disposal may become necessary, according to Assistant City Manager Ron Long.
No mention of a Fukushima link, just hydrocarbons & heavy metals, and even that is enough to trigger problems.
To Squodgy: Of course there is no link to Fukushima…….that is too close to the truth………