Extremely toxic water 4,000,000 times gov’t limit in trenches between Fukushima reactors and ocean – Plutonium leaked out after fuel rods damaged

NHK Special: Extremely toxic water 4,000,000 times gov’t limit in trenches between Fukushima reactors and ocean — Experts: “Source of contamination for Pacific” — “Levels too high for them to get more precise look at situation” — Reporter: Plutonium leaked out after fuel rods damaged (VIDEO) (ENENews, April 18, 2014):

NHK’s Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi, Mar. 29, 2014 (at 18:15 in): A network of trenches runs between the reactor buildings and the shore. They are flooded with extremely radioactive water that’s been trapped** there since the triple meltdown. Tepco data shows concentrations of cesium up to 4 million times above the government safety limit. Engineers estimate that the trenches hold about 15,000 tons of toxic water but radiation levels are too high for them to get a more precise look at the situation. Some experts point out these trenches are a source of contamination for the Pacific Ocean. Tepco says there’s no evidence of that yet, but it recognizes the need to act quickly.

**Yomiuri Shimbun, Mar. 6, 2014: “It appears that high-level radioactive contaminated water from tunnels [trenches] extending from the No. 1 to No. 4 reactor building is flowing into the sea.”

Extreme contamination in the trenches was first reported exactly 3 years before NHK’s special above — NHK, Mar. 28, 2011 (h/t MsMilkytheclown):

  • At 0:30 – Tepco: “Now we have found water in the section between the underground area of the building and the sea in the area called the trench.” Workers detected contamination in the trench on Sunday [Mar. 27]. They recorded more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour on the water’s surface. […] Tepco says it’s unlikely the water is leaking into the ocean […] Tepco had no intention of hiding it.
  • At 4:15 — Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, NHK: Of the Reactors 1-3, one, or more, or all, have likely sustained damage to their nuclear fuel rods. Which is why iodine, cesium, and plutonium are leaking out. […] Tepco mentioned they don’t think the current level will affect human health […] We have to be very careful. Compared to iodine and cesium, plutonium would have a substantially larger adverse effect on health if taken into the human body.

Watch the NHK Newsline FOCUS special here

5 thoughts on “Extremely toxic water 4,000,000 times gov’t limit in trenches between Fukushima reactors and ocean – Plutonium leaked out after fuel rods damaged”

  1. Where we are, on the other side of the Northern Hemisphere, the background level has nearly doubled, so with added spikes from jetstream based downpours rendering the total exposure per year equivalent or just over the original maximum allowable per person based on experience gained from the levels reached after the atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests in the fifties and sixties.

    But nobody says a word. There is no Gov Guideline. The official Gov body remains silent. I notify my contacts but nobody responds. Ostrichitis.

    Bollocks to the lot of them, I’m looking after my own.

  2. To Squodgy: How are you looking after your own? With air, water, food and soil poisoned, how can we survive? Answer in my book is that we cannot. Am I missing something?

  3. Quiz question:
    The amount of radiation released by Fukushima is?
    A. 100000 times the natural radiation in the Pacific Ocean
    B. 100 times the natural radiation in the Pacific Ocean
    C. About equal to the natural radiation in the Pacific Ocean
    D. 1/100 of the natural radiation in the Pacific Ocean
    E. 1/100000 of the natural radiation in the Pacific Ocean

    Please answer to the nearest, the answer will help you decide the risk on the other side of the world.


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