Fairewinds Energy Education, Feb. 13, 2014:
At 2:00 in
Arnie Gundersen, chief engineer: The destruction caused by the supersonic explosive shockwave […] no nuclear containment in the world can withstand a detonation shockwave like the one inside Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. […] Let’s look at the newly released Tepco report […] The refueling mast weighs more than 1.5 tons and like a knights lance it fell straight into the fuel. […] The bottom line here is that Tepco has acknowledged that at least 50 tons of rubble has fallen on the top and into the spent fuel pool at Unit 3. […] Imagine a fully loaded 18-wheel tractor trailer suddenly falling from the sky and landing in the spent fuel pool. Obviously much of the Unit 3 spent fuel and its critical spacing must have been damaged, making it extraordinarily difficult to remove any of the fuel from these broken down racks. […] Preparations to remove Unit 3s fuel cannot exist […] There’s no historical precedent for removing Unit 3s highly damaged fuel from such a highly radioactive environment […] I think that the fuel bundles in Unit 3 may have to be cut out of the racks using robotic cutting tools. […]