– TV: Fukushima underground dam not working, radiation levels now exceeding gov’t limit near shore — Tepco Official: “The flow of contaminated water into ocean is causing problems… It’s quite difficult to stop” (VIDEO) (ENENews, Feb 9, 2014):
Report on first part of this NHK program here: Japan Nuclear Experts: Footage shows ‘major problem’ at Fukushima Unit 1; Cesium release to continue for next 5 decades — Tepco: Even if we knew where it’s broken, how can we stop it? — “Still in the dark” about other 2 units (VIDEO)
NHK Documentary, ‘Radioactive Water: Fukushima Daiichi’s Hidden Crisis‘ — Feb. 1, 2014:
At 20:00 in
NHK: Have a look at this chart […] Radioactive cesium in water inside the port […] at times it has even exceeded the government’s limit. This means that radioactive water is still draining into the sea. […] Tepco said it contained the leaks by cementing the trenches and taking other measures. But even today radioactive cesium is detected in groundwater. […] This suggests that radioactive water is leaking from places missed by Tepco and draining into sea.
Tepco Official: It’s quite difficult to stop the tainted water immediately, we’ll have to deal with it in the long term. […]
NHK: Tepco initially built the underground dam along the shoreline but it did not solve the problem […] 5 months after the work began, radiation levels inside the port show no signs of receding, and in some places workers found cesium levels that are higher than the government’s limit.
Tepco Official: The flow of the contaminated water into the ocean is causing problems […] there are many challenges.