Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima’s Refugees Have Been Abandoned (Video)

Fukushima’s Refugees: Why Have They Been Abandoned? from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.

The real victims of the Fukushima Daiichi triple meltdown have become invisible to Japan’s power brokers. Homeless, running out of money, with the fabric of their village society and culture destroyed, they sit in under-heated makeshift dwellings unable to move forward to a new life or return to the old life destroyed by ever present and unhealthy levels of radiation. Join Fairewinds Energy Education in our ongoing effort to help the people of Fukushima, Japan. Listen to Fairewinds’ Board Member Chiho Kaneko and Arnie Gundersen as Ms. Kaneko describes her recent trip to Japan and the stories of those who have been abandoned in the wake of this tragedy.

1 thought on “Arnie Gundersen: Fukushima’s Refugees Have Been Abandoned (Video)”

  1. The Japanese are just as savage as the American leaders…….they don’t give a damn.
    Wait until the poisons hit them, and theirs………….it would almost be worth while to be alive to see their reaction……I won’t be, but I hope I will be somewhere to see them get their’s.


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