Reports: White ‘goo’ everywhere in Alaska seal, crows won’t touch it… yet they eat people’s roofs — Slime in ones mouth, kidney almost black

Reports: White ‘goo’ everywhere in Alaska seal, crows won’t touch it… yet they eat people’s roofs — Slime in ones mouth, kidney almost black — Another appeared to change color — Hairless one seen recently: “We all still have sick seals here!” (PHOTOS) (ENENews, Jan 26, 2014)

2 thoughts on “Reports: White ‘goo’ everywhere in Alaska seal, crows won’t touch it… yet they eat people’s roofs — Slime in ones mouth, kidney almost black”

  1. It was exposed yesterday that the radioactive power from Fukushima is thousands of times stronger than what they have been claiming. Our sardines are all dead here on the Pacific Ocean. Our salmon is yellow, our fish are poisoned.
    A couple of months ago, hundreds of dead sea turtles washed ashore in Costa Rica. Dogs that ran to eat them died instantly. That should show anyone the radioactive poisons are much more far reaching than ever before.
    No matter how the media lies, the problem from Fukushima will continue to get worse. It will burn hotter and hotter. Our ocean is dying, and so will we.
    Compared to everything else, it seems to fit. Our legal system is corrupt, banking rigged and now, we are dying thanks to radioactive poisons they won’t discuss.
    I am disgusted and horrified at what has happened to the US in my lifetime. Everything decent is either dead or going to die.
    I have an illness that will soon take my life, and I am now grateful for it. I pray I miss cooking to death, because that is how radioactive poisons work.

  2. Part of keeping our world free of disease is the presence of animal, such as turkey vultures, who will eat up the carcass of dead bodies and keep the countryside clean. If these scavenger animals won’t eat the carcasses, that means they are poisoned, and too dangerous to eat.
    The long term effect of this could be disastrous to our environment and our world.
    I wonder how long the virtual reality media can keep the Fukushima disaster off the front pages and out of the minds of the people? What they are doing is criminal. Our lives are at risk. If we had a government of the people, by the people, they would be putting out information right now. CA, WA, OR and western Alaska will soon be unlivable. Soon, the entire country will follow if nothing is done to stop the huge amounts of poisons pouring out of Fukushima each day.
    We are facing our own extinction. It would be nice to be allowed the dignity of truth.


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