UK Bread And Cereal Bars Found To Be Contaminated With Toxic GLYPHOSATE


Study: Roundup Herbicide 450-Fold Diluted Is Still Genotoxic

UK bread and cereal bars found to be contaminated with glyphosate (Natural News, Jan 13, 2013):

The UK and EU populace doesn’t embrace Monsanto’s propaganda, and their governments are somewhat less dominated by Monsanto minions than the US government is. So traces of glyphosate in major British non-GMO food brands should be a huge red flag for us here in America.

UK news site The Ecologist featured a study performed by a British anti-GMO group called GM Freeze. Two major food brands contained traces of glyphosate. The research disclosed that all four cereal bars produced by Jordans and 34 out of 40 bread products sampled from Walburtons contained traces of glyhosate. These are both big name brands in the UK.

Those traces were below the EU maximum allowable glyphosate residue amounts for cereal products. But many disagree with the maximum allowable amounts, pointing out that glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor and thus shouldn’t be tolerated at any level. [1] [4]

Parsing the glyphosate RoundUp issue

So how does glyphosate show up in those biscuits and breads where GMOs aren’t grown? Well, RoundUp is such a popular herbicide that it’s used on non-GMO grain fields. Normally, RoundUp destroys all plant life that’s not grown from RoundUp Ready GMO seeds that are designed to keep the pesticide from killing those GMO corn or soy crops.

But farmers can use it on non-GMO fields before planting to get rid of or prevent weeds from choking the new crops, and they can be used just before harvesting to make combining easier. That’s how glyphosate can show up in foods from non-GMO grain sources. Only organic crops will be free of any pesticide residues.

In Europe, GMO soy and corn is allowed in most countries for livestock feed only. And that guarantees that the Monsanto herbicide RoundUp gets sold abundantly to those farmers who sign extremely binding and limiting contracts with the evil corporation.

This affects non-organic farm animals adversely. A Dutch pig farmer raised a stink beyond even his large factory farm when he compared the differences in animal health and reproduction between GMO feeds and non-GMO feeds.

With non-GMO feeds, he experienced far less still births or spontaneous abortions and deformities among newly born piglets and less need for antibiotics among the pigs, who clearly showed better health even within the confines of a factory farm. [2]

This situation had occurred among Midwest American livestock farmers also. Several of them had reported issues of an even greater extent using GMO feed with their pigs, cows and cattle to retired Purdue professor emeritus of plant pathology Dr. Don Huber.

Huber investigated and discovered that the RoundUp pesticide was creating soil and plant issues that at least robbed the plants of nutrition and protection from disease. Huber also hypothesized that a unique and novel pathogen was developed in the process. [3]

Here’s where the glyphosate issue gets dicey

Glyphosate alone is not the most toxic pesticide ingredient, although it’s commonly considered as such. But it’s the only substance used for testing by the EPA and government agencies worldwide. So the EPA has allowed larger amounts of glyphosate usage even as it has been showing up in human blood.

RoundUp’s extreme toxicity comes from combining glyphosate with chemical adjuvants to ensure rapid plant absorption of glyphosate. Glyphosate is considered the “active ingredient,” while the adjuvants are considered “inert,” pretty much like vaccines and their toxic adjuvants.

The RoundUp adjuvants aren’t considered, while Monsanto claims proprietary rights to avoid revealing what those “inert” ingredients are. But the two-year Seralini rat study that produced premature deaths and horrific tumors after nine months did decipher what those adjuvants are. [5]

Using scientific instrumentation, the Seralini group isolated inert ingredients and noted their toxicity. RoundUp’s glyphosate combination with certain chemical adjuvants create a toxic and carcinogenic cocktail that makes it’s way up the food chain. [5a]

If the recent Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology retraction of Seralini’s work has you confused, consider these two facts: Almost 800 scientists and thousands of other professionals have petitioned objections to the journal’s condemnation of Seralini’s work, and just prior to that journal’s retraction, a former Monsanto scientist slithered into the journal’s editorial staff.

David Schubert, Ph.D. biology professor with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, offers an excellent write-up defending Seralini’s work here (

Sources for this article include:


[2] Danish farmer’s pigs:

[3] Video interview of Dr. Don Huber:

[4] Low-dose study, within EPA range:

[5] Adjuvants with glyphosate create a stew more harmful than glyphosate alone:

[5a] The details of that study:

Here are more sources for your perusal if you’re interested:

More important information on Monsanto’s Roundup (containing Glyphosate):

El Salvador Bans Glyphosate

Study: Roundup And Glyphosate Toxicity Underestimated

GMO And Monsanto Roundup: Glyphosate Weedkiller In Our Food and Water?

Glyphosate In Monsanto’s Roundup Inhibits Natural Detoxification In Human Cells: Study

Study: New Review Of Hundreds Of Scientific Studies Surrounding Glyphosate Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

USDA Received Dire Pathogen Warning BEFORE Deregulating GM Alfalfa

Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Linked To Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria

Study: GMO Toxins Found In Nearly All Pregnant Women, Unborn Babies

GMO Technology, Glyphosate Toxicity Leaving Men Sterile

Jeffrey Smith’s Full Presentation On Deadly GMO’s (Video)

FIRST LONG-TERM GMO STUDY: Monsanto GMO Corn & Roundup Cause Massive Tumors In Lab Animals (Video)

Shocking GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime Of GM Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors, 70% Of Females Die Early

Study: Roundup Herbicide 450-Fold Diluted Is Still Genotoxic

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Study: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Human Cells (Flashback)

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