– TV: “Massive radioactivity release” at Fukushima going on for almost 3 years now; Visible steam “just the tip of the iceberg” — NHK: Containment vessels are ‘broken’ (VIDEOS) (ENENews, Jan 5, 2014):
NHK, Jan. 4, 2014: [Underground] tunnels are believed to be one of the sources of radioactive materials that are polluting the groundwater at the facility on a large scale. […] A large amount of highly radioactive water has accumulated beneath the plant. […] TEPCO will set up radiation monitoring equipment at various hot spots on the floors of reactor buildings this month. The readings will be used to support the decontamination work by robots that will follow. TEPCO officials say they will also study how to remotely locate and repair holes in the reactor containment vessels. The vessels were broken in the nuclear accident.
The Big Picture, RT, Jan. 3, 2014 (at 5:00 in) — Kevin Kamps, Radioactive waste watchdog at Beyond Nuclear: It’s the weather conditions that make the steam visible, but what people need to realize is that we’re almost three years into this thing — those releases are happening every day. Those releases atmospherically [and] into the ocean are happening every day, they have been for three years, so that is the massive radioactivity release that’s going on. Once in a while it becomes more visible because of atmospheric conditions […] we’re seeing this heated water coming out of Unit 3 – it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Yes. It has been going on nonstop for three years.
This is the true story.