– NBC Nightly News: “Another highly troubling report about what’s going on in the Pacific” — Millions of starfish ‘melt away’ from Alaska to California — Expert: Fukushima radiation ‘not ruled out’ as factor in epidemic — Very, very different than anything seen before (VIDEO) (ENENEws, Dec 1, 2013)
West Seattle Blog, Nov. 25, 2013: […] nothing brings it home like seeing what “Diver Laura” James observed in West Seattle waters this weekend. She recorded video off Seacrest on Saturday and uploaded the clip […] “I knew it was bad, but I hadn’t seen it in a couple weeks, and it was crushing to see bodies [of sea stars] piled on top of bodies and the pilings bare.” […] >> Watch the video
Marine biologist Pete Raimondi interviewed on KRCB, Nov. 21, 2013: There’s something about this outbreak that is very, very different […] It’s always been associated with warm water in the past — an El Nino event. We’re not in an El Nino event. […] There’s 2 thingas that are really bewildering. One, we aren’t in an El Nino event. The second thing is the spatial thing, from Alaska down to Orange County. It’s hard to think of a mechanism that is consistent across that whole area of geography. >> Listen to the broadcast
NBC Nightly News, Nov. 29, 2013:
Brian Williams, anchor: Environmental officials in California say there’s been another highly troubling report about what’s going on in the Pacific. […] Something is killing the starfish and they don’t know why. They have been dying in record numbers on the West Coast […]
Pete Raimondi, marine biologist: It’s happened so rapidly that some species are just missing. […]
Miguel Almaguer, reporter: An epidemic affecting waters from Alaska to Southern California causing millions of starfish to fall apart and melt away. […] Two species that used to thrive here have now vanished. […]
Raimondi: I’ve had probably 100 emails thus far saying, ‘Well, what about Fukushima, because of radiation?’ We haven’t ruled that out yet, but we’re clearly not ruling that in.
Almaguer: The mysterious disease has now spread to at least 10 species of starfish and is threatening more every day.
Gee wiz. You think? Fukushima not ruled out????
What a bunch of asses! Fukushima is the cause.
I cannot bear US media, and it is this sort of language that reminds me why.