Food Poverty: 37% Of British Families Choosing Between Heating And Eating This Winter

Quarter of UK adults in food poverty (PressTV, Nov 28, 2013):

More than a quarter of adults in Britain have experienced food poverty during the last 12 months, a new survey shows.

According to the poll, conducted by food bank charity the Trussell Trust, store giant Tesco and food redistribution charity FareShare, some 27 percent of British adults said they found it harder to feed their family than a year ago.

The survey, released on Thursday, also found that 40 percent of households in the UK believe their ability to put food on the table worsened over the last year.

Meanwhile, some 37 percent of British families admitted choosing between heating and eating this winter.

About 30 percent of households also said they have either skipped meals, gone without or relied on friends or family for food.

Chris Mould, chief executive of the Trussell Trust, Britain’s largest organizer of food banks, predicted that at least 60,000 adults will rely on food banks to feed their families this Christmas.

“The deeply distressing reality for Britain this Christmas is that thousands of families will struggle to put food on the table,” Mould said.

Earlier in October, it was reported that the Red Cross plans to collect and distribute food aid in Britain this winter for the first time since the Second World War to help the growing number of Britons in need.

British Red Cross is expected to send volunteers to supermarkets in the UK on the last weekend in November to ask shoppers to donate items.

1 thought on “Food Poverty: 37% Of British Families Choosing Between Heating And Eating This Winter”

  1. The UK and the entire EU, along with the US are in a permanent depression as a result of Putin’s building of a sister economy that serves every nation but ours. The US and EU are isolated, not the other way around as our lying leaders claim.

    Food prices must be going up for them as well as for us.
    Depressing, I love the UK so……….I really believe they will survive, they have survived bombs and rationing………I hope their youth are not as foolish as many of ours in the US……….time will tell.


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