– Head Of India’s FBI Says “If You Can’t Prevent Rape, You Might As Well Enjoy It” (ZeroHedge, Nov 13, 2013):
Just in case anyone thought the entire world’s wasn’t going to the tenth, centrally-planned circle of hell in a handbasket, here comes the head of the Indian FBI to disabuse everyone out of such childish sentiments, thanks to a comment that not even the PR brain trust behind #AskJPM could have conceived. To wit: “India’s top police official was under fire Wednesday for saying, “If you can’t prevent rape, you might as well enjoy it.” And scene.
Central Bureau of Investigation chief Ranjit Sinha made the comment Tuesday during a conference about illegal sports betting and the need to legalize gambling. The CBI, the country’s premier investigative agency, is India’s equivalent of the FBI.
Sinha said that if the state could not stop gambling it could at least make some revenue by legalizing it. His remarks about rape were in this context.
The remarks have caused outrage across India, which in the past year has been roiled by widespread protests following the fatal gang rape of a 23-year-old woman on a bus in New Delhi.
Sinha said Wednesday that his comments were taken out of context and were misinterpreted, but angry activists called for his resignation.
The New Delhi attack on the young woman last December caused nationwide outrage and forced the government to change rape laws and create fast-track courts for rape cases.
And now back to your perfectly normal, regularly scheduled all night “market” meltup.
HOLES in the containment vessels at Fukushima found by robot today.
The poisons have been gushing into the Pacific at worst levels than we have been told…….no wonder the fish and turtles are dead.
This is just outrageous!
Rape caused that?