– Radiation readings spiking to record levels all around Fukushima plant (ENENews, Oct 25, 2013):
Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 24, 2013: Highest radiation level detected in water found in drainage ditch at Fukushima nuclear plant […] The utility announced Oct. 24 that it had detected radioactive strontium and other beta ray emitting substances measuring 140,000 becquerels per liter in water sampled in one of the facility’s drainage ditches. […] TEPCO officials said the high radiation level was detected in water collected on Oct. 23. The levels in water taken on Oct. 22 were 59,000 becquerels per liter.
Businessweek, Oct. 23, 2013: Tepco Says Rains Causing Spikes in Fukushima Radiation Readings […] Water samples from another ditch had readings of 15,000 becquerels of beta radiation, again higher than the record 2,200 becquerels in an Oct. 1 sample from the same site, Tepco said. Beta radiation includes strontium-90 linked to causing cancers such as leukemia.
Bloomberg, Oct. 23, 2013: Tepco said in a separate release that beta radiation levels of 510,000 becquerels per liter were found Oct. 20 in a sample of rainwater that had accumulated between a storage tank and a cement barrier built to contain leaks. That compares to 450,000 becquerels on Oct. 19 and 360,000 becquerels on Oct. 18, the company said. The Oct. 20 sample was the highest taken so far from within the barrier, the Sankei newspaper reported.
Xinhua, Oct. 22, 2013: Radioactive cesium levels spike in ocean near Fukushima […] (TEPCO) said that trace amounts of radioactive cesium-137 were detected at a level of 1.6 becquerels per liter [1,600 becquerels per m³] in water samples taken from the adjacent Pacific Ocean, marking the second time such radioactive materials have been found in the sea since surveys began in August. The previous radioactive finding in October measured lower […]