– Radio: Japan Professor moved family out of country after finding radioactivity levels contradicting official claims it was safe — “Gov’t doesn’t want anyone to talk about radiation from Fukushima” (AUDIO) (ENENews, Oct 5, 2013):
Title: Linda Moulton Howe Interview
Source: Art Bell’s Dark Matter
Date: Oct. 3, 2013At 12:30 in
Linda Moulton Howe, investigative journalist (Recipient of 3 regional Emmys, a national Emmy nomination and a Station Peabody award): That professor who stays in touch me, he moved his wife and his children from Japan to Australia because he was taking a radiation monitor around his yard and school where his young children played, and he was finding enough above background that was contradicting what the Japanese government was saying was safe X miles away from Fukushima. […]
The professor has said to me, “This is a country in which everything always goes to politeness. No one talks to family about cancer or sickness, and the government does not want anyone to talk about the radiation from Fukushima.” […] Now we’re talking about a contradiction between what is a political policy, and what is the reality of a few people there who are trying to get data to the rest of us on the outside. […]
Full broadcast available for subscribers here – Now available on YouTube here
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