Crap Cannon: Israel Sprays Putrid Liquid To Control West Bank Crowd (RT Video)

YouTube Added: 11.05.2013


Israel has given the green light for the construction of a further 300 homes in a West Bank settlement.The number of eviction incidents has risen sharply since a new Israeli government, with even stronger opposition to a 2-state solution, took office in March. And the Israeli defense force are ready to use almost anything to back their governments orders, including special anti-riot measure called ‘Skunk’.

2 thoughts on “Crap Cannon: Israel Sprays Putrid Liquid To Control West Bank Crowd (RT Video)”

  1. These people are the biggest trouble makers in the world. I don’t understand why the US backs them, the man running things there is a warmongering fool.
    Step on everyone, then whine they are discriminated against? As someone who grew up in post WW2 era, I used to have sympathy for them, but no longer. They have beaten that dead horse beyond recognition.
    Attacking people, taking their lands……they are making themselves the problem.


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