– US importing food from Japan that’s considered unfit to eat there? (ENENews, Nov 16, 2012):
Title: The Next Fukushima is Ready & Waiting
Source: The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann
Date: Nov 14, 2012
h/t MsMilkytheclownAt 4:30 in
Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear (former radioactive waste specialist at NIRS) : The regulations in the US are worse than the regulations in Japan in terms of radioactive contamination […]
The difference between Japan and the United States is kind of startling. In Japan, at this point the permissible level of radioactivity in food is 100 becquerels per kilogram […] In the United States the permissible level is 1,200. So Japan’s limits are 12 times stronger than ours, which means that we could very certainly be importing food from Japan that’s considered unfit to eat there.
Host: […] That’s insane.