Nigel Farage’s Berating Rebuttal Of Barosso’s ‘State-Of-The-Union’ Banalities (Video)

Farage’s Berating Rebuttal Of Barosso’s ‘State-Of-The-Union’ Banalities (ZeroHedge, Sep 12, 2012):

MEP Nigel Farage provided a much-needed dose of reality to the peculiar pontifications of Barroso’s state of the union speech last night. Concerned at the fanaticism of Europe’s ever more concentrated power-base, summed up by his interpretation of Barroso’s call for a federal union of states (cue Darth Vader music): “while the nation state should continue to exist, it mustn’t have any democratic power,” the Englishman goes on to deride Mario Draghi’s unlimited money bazooka – though we suspect Farage’s belief that “money doesn’t grow on trees” will soon come into question day after day.  Super Mario as much as implied that he “will fight to the last German taxpayer to keep the Mediterranean countries, that should never have been in the Euro, in there,” but for a sense of just how ludicrous things are becoming in the EU, this clip is important as he reminds us of Monti’s (monstrous Mario) recent statement that “nation-state democracy will bring down the European Union.” Farage fears this rumbling facade over a crisis could go on for a decade, we can only hope not – one way or another.

Barroso’s 6100-word SOTU Wordcloud – need…political…union…states…

Farage’s rebuttal…


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