Nuclear Expert Believes Entire Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP Drained To The Point Of Boiling – Footage Shows Top Of Fuel Racks Were Exposed To Air (Video)

Nuclear Expert: I believe entire No. 4 fuel pool had drained to point where boiling occurred — Footage shows top of fuel racks were exposed to air (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 12, 2012):

Fukushima Daiichi: The Truth and the Future
Fairewinds Energy Education
May 12, 2012

As part of a presentation in Kansai, Japan on May 12th 2012, Maggie and Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education answered specific questions asked by symposium organizers regarding the condition of the spent fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4. Fairewinds analyzes the explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. Also, Arnie discusses what the future may hold for Japan if it chooses a path without nuclear power.

At 18:45 in

Early on in the accident there is some video that shows the top of the fuel racks were exposed to air […] the top of the nuclear fuel was exposed to air, and I think the photos show that.

At 19:40 in

The fuel pool can boil locally… even though the bulk temperature of the pool could be at 80C. In portions of the pool it could be boiling


My theory is I do believe the entire [No. 4 spent fuel] pool had drained to the point where there was boiling occurring.

Gundersen’s video about the exposed fuel racks from last March 2011:

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