America’s Farmlands To Be Carpet-Bombed With Vietnam-Era Agent Orange Chemical If Dow Petition Approved

America’s farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical if Dow petition approved (Natural News, Dec. 27, 2011):

A key chemical of one of the most horrifying elements of the Vietnam War — Agent Orange — may soon be unleashed on America’s farmlands. Considered by world nations to be a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” (WMD), Agent Orange was dropped in the millions of gallons on civilian populations during the Vietnam War in order to destroy foliage and poison North Vietnamese soldiers. The former president of the Vietnamese Red Cross, Professor Nhan, described it as, “…a massive violation of human rights of the civilian population, and a weapon of mass destruction.”

A key chemical in that weapon — 2,4-D — is just months away from being dropped on agricultural land across the United States. Dow AgroSciences, which along with DuPont and Monsanto is heavily invested in genetically engineered crops, has petitioned the U.S. government to deregulate a variety of GE corn that’s resistant to 2,4-D, which comprises 50% of the recipe of Agent Orange.

NaturalNews broke this story yesterday and published the details:…

If the petition is approved by Washington, it would turn America’s corn fields into chemical warfare zones targeted for mass pesticide poisoning with 2,4-D chemicals. The corn, of course, would be immune to 2,4-D, so it would uptake the chemical and transport it right into the structure of the corn kernels, creating “Agent Orange corn bombs” that would be chemically unleashed when consumed by human beings.

This is just the latest example of how industrial chemical giants and GMO companies of the world are committing acts of genocide against innocents. The introduction of 2,4-D-resistant GE corn is, essentially, an act of war against humanity.

Food crops sprayed with chemical weapons

Agent Orange, which contains roughly 50% 2,4-D, is also cited in numerous war crimes lawsuits. Even the BBC has reported on it:…

The use of such chemicals on civilian targets is a violation of the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1927 Geneva Convention, and the 1949 Geneva Convention (

The International Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange has published a document briefly describing the war crimes committed by the U.S. government in its use of Agent Orange:…

That document states:

The chemical warfare waged by the United States against Vietnam though the use of Agent Orange and other dioxin laced chemicals from 1961 to 1971 has caused severe, massive and prolonged consequences for the environment, ecology and health of the people of Vietnam.

See the photos of Agent Orange victims

Shocking pictures of Agent Orange victims can be seen at the following pages (WARNING, extremely graphic):………………………

Watch the video of children affected by Agent Orange:…

Hear the Agent Orange song by Country Joe. Visit: and click on “Agent Orange Song” on the top left. You’ll be able to hear the full song.

First Vietnam, now America

Even walking around America today, many Americans are born as mutants thanks to the chemicals used in foods, medicines, lawn care and personal care products. That crime against humanity is about to be made far, far worse with the unleashing of 2,4-D on America’s farmlands.

The gross deformities, birth defects, neurological disorders and physical retardation we have seen in Vietnamese children affected by Agent Orange could soon arrive at America’s doorstep thanks to 2,4-D.

Dow, of course, is widely regarded as one of the most evil corporations on the planet, having already poisoned countless victims with toxic chemicals. Remember the Bhopal pesticide factory explosion in India? That was Union Carbide, owned by Dow. It killed thousands of people, maimed tens of thousands and injured over half a million (…).

Read more about Bhopal:…

And learn more about Dow here:…

Remember: If chemical weapons are used to produce food, then those who consume such foods become casualties of war.

Food production was once an honorable art, but at the hands of greed-driven globalists, it quickly became a system of profit seeking and then a tool for corporate domination over the People. Now it has become a weapon of mass destruction, and it is being used to decimate the health of both the population and the farmlands.

More information on GMOs:

GM food alters your DNA, changes your brain waves, destroys your immune system, your organs and makes you infertile.

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At stake is no less than control of the world’s food supply.

Exposed: the great GM crops myth:

“Genetic modification actually cuts the productivity of crops, an authoritative new study shows, undermining repeated claims that a switch to the controversial technology is needed to solve the growing world food crisis.”

Highly recommended videos:

Life running out of control – Genetically Modified Organisms (!)

The World According to Monsanto – A documentary that Americans won’t ever see. (!)

Obama and Monsanto:

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On CODEX and the agenda of the elite:

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1 thought on “America’s Farmlands To Be Carpet-Bombed With Vietnam-Era Agent Orange Chemical If Dow Petition Approved”

  1. As an agronomist AND a regular visitor to this website, this is the MOST RIDICULOUS article I have ever seen. Please, for the sake of your reputation do the proper research before posting an article like this. 2, 4-D has been around for decades and nearly EVERY acre of wheat in the United States is treated with it, EVERY year. I haven’t seen a lot of deforrmed, sick people running around and wheat is in just about every type of bread known to man. As someone who works with these types of chemicals I know there is a lethal dose of every chemical, substance or product whether natural or man made. A high dose of 2, 4-D will kill a corn plant LONG before it produced corn.


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