PDF: Dr. Allen E. Banik – The Choice is Clear
– 24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
– Doctors And Experts With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
Books by Dr. Allen Banik:
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
Related info:
– Doctors And Experts With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
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ONLY water distillation removes ALL lead & fluoride from your drinking water.
Recommended distiller and carbon filter (to remove the VOCs !!!):
Related information:
– Distilled Water And Longevity
– Distilled Water Kills Bladder Cancer Cells As Effectively As Chemotherapy
– Distilled Water vs. Filtered Water vs Bottled – The Journey of Water (Documentary)
– 24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
– Doctors at Cornell University On Distilled Water: “It is safe, and it does not leach out minerals” (The New York Times)
– Dr. William Misner, Ph.D.: Distilled Water Enhances Mineral Absorption
– Early Death Comes From Drinking Un-Distilled Water
– Distilled Water Can Be Used As Anesthetic In Surgery
See also:
– Raw Food Explained: Organic Versus Inorganic Minerals
– Stop eating ROCKS and start eating REAL FOOD
– Sea Salt, Is it Good For You?
Distilled water is the only water which runs through all water-based life forms. Here are the writings of doctors and experts who all support the benefits of Distilled Water. Take note of the STEADY, CONSISTENT VOLUME which is recommended by them…
“It may safely be taught that THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER IS THAT PURIFIED BY DISTILLATION. Instruct the public how distillation can readily and cheaply be done. It furnishes a fruitful yield for the genius that will devise a small distilling apparatus for the use of every family.
It would be safe to teach that the GENEROUS USE OF PURE WATER both within and without the body has never yet done any harm; that the functional ailments that afFlict the great host of mankind, are in a great part due to the fact of the imperfect elimination of waste matter, and that GENEROUS LIBATIONS OF PURE WATER is a most potent agent TO FLUSH THEM FROM THE BODY, through the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the bowels. The diseases caused by impure water are numerous and fatal.”
—Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, M.D., Health Commissioner of Chicago, from “Distilled Water and Longevity” by Elmer Ellsworth Carey, Chicago, in Suggestion magazine, Volume 10, January 1, 1903
“You should DRINK AT LEAST ONE GALLON of purified water a day. Most of us drink only at mealtime and when we’re noticeably thirsty. Wrong. You can develop a habit of NOT drinking water and walk around being 66 or 67 percent water, instead of 74 percent, which is what your body needs.
When you don’t have the water in you, you won’t ever have the energy you need. The very first thing I do to get people’s energy up is to increase the amount of water in their diet. Immediately, their energy goes up.
When someone has dementia, the first thing I do is give them lots of cold water all day, every day. About three weeks later, I start to see their dementia dissipate because they have rehydrated their brains. Unfortunately, your brain actually shrinks as you dehydrate. By DRINKING LOTS OF PURE WATER, you get better neuron activity and better cellular chemistry, and you’re able to detoxify the cells with water.
Water has to be pure, free from fluoride, chlorine, and chemicals, which is why I recommend distilled water. To achieve optimum health, I recommend that you DRINK A HALF GALLON TO ONE FULL GALLON PER DAY.”
— Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D., from, “Gary Null’s Ultimate Anti-Aging Program,” Kensington Publishing Corp., 1999, Based on the PBS Documentary, “How to Live Forever”
“USED AS A DRINK, DISTILLED WATER IS ABSORBED DIRECTLY into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it will KEEP IN SOLUTION salts already existing in the blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by the various excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which have already accumulated in the body.
There is no doubt as to THE HIGH VALUE OF DISTILLED WATER USED FREELY as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age.”
— Dr. C.W. DeLacy Evans, M.D., from How To Prolong Life
Read moreDoctors And Experts With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
– Government Destroys Couple’s Rights Over Rainwater: “If You’re Honest, They Take Everything Away”:
With each passing year, SHTFPlan.com’s Mac Slavo notes there are more and more challenges to personal property and individual sovereignty.
Despite the resilience it lends to our national security, the government has proven again and again that it wishes to clamp down on the ability to prep, survive and self-sustain off grid, and without the need for the system’s supply chain.
You can hardly build your own place, grow your own food, collect your own water or take care of yourself without the intervention of those in authority. There is need to push back against this continued intrusion of our lives.
Couple Forced to Destroy 40-Year-Old Pond On Their Own Property Because Govt Owns The Rainwater
Authored by Claire Bernish via The Free Thought Project,
An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond on their land — the property’s most attractive feature — because the government said so.
– Nearly 3,000 US Communities Have Lead Levels Higher Than Flint:
A Reuters investigation this week uncovered nearly 3,000 different communities across the U.S. with lead levels higher than those found in Flint, Michigan, which has been the center of an ongoing water contamination crisis since 2014.
click image for link to interactive map…
The investigation found that many of the hot-spots are receiving little attention or funding. Local healthcare advocates said they hope the reporting will spur action from influential community leaders.
All of the communities Reuters investigated had lead levels at least two times higher than Flint’s; more than 1,000 were four times higher. In most cases, the local data covered a 5- to 10-year period through 2015, the analysis states.
Read moreNearly 3,000 US Communities Have Lead Levels Higher Than Flint
– US astronauts drink recycled urine aboard space station but Russians refuse:
American and Russian astronauts use separate water filtration systems on ISS, as Nasa astronauts also collect Russian urine when available to increase supply
What’s the difference between American and Russian astronauts on the International Space Station? The Americans drink their urine, the Russians don’t.
“It tastes like bottled water,” Layne Carter, water subsystem manager for the ISS at Nasa’s Marshall Space Flight Center told Bloomberg. “As long as you can psychologically get past the point that it’s recycled urine and condensate that comes out of the air.”
A group of eight U.S. officials have voted to allow a Wisconsin-based region to begin drawing 30 million liters of water a day from lake Michigan for drinking water. A Canadian Mayor has spoken out on the recently-approved plan calling the recent decision “the end of the Great Lakes as we know them.”
Last year, the city of Waukesha in Wisconsin had asked the Great Lake states for permission to divert water from Lake Michigan because its own aquifer is running low and the water is contaminated with high levels of naturally occurring cancer-causing radium.
A panel representing governors of the eight states adjoining the Great Lakes unanimously approved a proposal from Waukesha, which is under a court order to find a solution to the radium contamination of its groundwater wells. The city says the project will cost over $200 million for engineering studies, pipelines and other infrastructure.
– Massive ‘ocean’ discovered towards Earth’s core:
A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could help explain where Earth’s seas came from.
The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.
The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth’s water. Some geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth.
H/t reader squodgy:
“Who are they trying to kid? The US have armed & trained the puppets of the sick hypocritical bin Saud family under Bush’s & Clinton.
Anyway, thankyou America for this latest bit of news…”
– Cholera infections in Yemen climb to more than 1,400 within weeks: WHO:
The World Health Organization (WHO) says the number of suspected cholera cases in Yemen has soared to 1,410 ever since the outbreak of the infectious disease was declared in the conflict-plagued impoverished Arab country three weeks ago.
Tarik Jasarevic, a spokesperson for the United Nations health agency, told a news briefing in the Swiss city of Geneva on Friday that 1,410 people have been identified with cholera-like symptoms in ten provinces of Yemen, and the epidemic is concentrated in Ta’izz, Aden, Lahij, Hudaydah and Sana’a.
Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It is a fast-developing infection that causes diarrhea, which can quickly lead to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not promptly provided.
Yemen’s water and sewerage systems besides much of its health infrastructure have been destroyed in the wake of Saudi Arabia’s 18-month-long aerial bombardment campaign against the country.
Read moreCholera infections in Yemen climb to more than 1,400 within weeks: WHO
– ‘Travesty’: Nestlé Outbids Another Town for Control of Local Water Supply:
Corporate giant Nestlé continued its privatization creep on Thursday as it won approval to take over another Canadian community’s water supply, claiming it needed the well to ensure “future business growth.”
Nestlé purchased the well near Elora, Ontario from Middlebrook Water Company last month after making a conditional offer in 2015, the Canadian Press reports.
In August, the Township of Centre Wellington made an offer to purchase the Middlebrook well site to protect access to the water for the community. Consequently, the multinational—which claimed it had no idea the community was its competitor—waived all its conditions and matched the township’s offer in order to snag the well for itself.
Read more‘Travesty’: Nestlé Outbids Another Town for Control of Local Water Supply
An Environmental Working Group review of government water analysis data reveals that 75% of drinking water in America is contaminated with cancer-causing hexavalent chromium (also known as chromium-6). In a widely publicized report, EWG warns that 200 million Americans are right now being exposed to this toxic chemical in their water.
This is on top of our own efforts at EPAwatch.org where my lab tested hundreds of municipal water samples from across the country and found high levels of lead and other heavy metals in 6.7% of samples.
Read moreCancer Causing Chromium-6 Found In 75% Of Drinking Water In America
A massive sinkhole at a fertilizer plant in Mulberry, Florida, has caused about 215 million gallons of radioactive water to drain down into the Floridian aquifer system, according to ABC affiliate WFTS.
The aquifer system supplies drinking water to millions of Florida residents, according to the St. Johns Water Management District’s website. Additionally, water that escapes from the aquifers create springs used for recreational activities like snorkeling and swimming.
A solar still/solar water distiller is not difficult to build.
There have been lots of videos on YouTube that show how to build one yourself.
Many solar stills that have won international awards and were designed to help Africa produce clean water, but they never made it to the market and never reached all those countries in desperate need of clean water and I do not wonder why this is the case.
If you are interested, and you should be, because you may find yourself one day in a survival situation, take a look at all those different ways to make safe and relatively pure water:
– Gaza Man Invents Solar Powered Water Purification Tank for War-Torn Town:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has left almost 90 percent of the water supply unfit for people to drink. Fayez al-Hindi has devised a homemade water desalinization setup that is helping to solve the water crisis, though, as some Gaza residents face running out of water in mere months. It runs on solar power and a little ingenuity.
Three years of jets bombing the Gaza strip have left the territory’s water infrastructure extremely unstable. Both reservoirs above ground and below have been damaged, so even when it rains, the water is often contaminated, and made unfit to drink. More than $34 million dollars’ worth of damage has been done to Gaza’s water infrastructure.
Read moreGaza Man Invents Solar Powered Water Purification Tank for War-Torn Town
– India’s water crisis: 8 liters for 7 days, for drinking and all other needs (RT DOCUMENTARY) :
People in Indian states which were once agricultural leaders in the country, now have to pay for water delivered from other regions. The RT Documentary (RTD) team has traveled to areas suffering from a severe water crisis.A water tanker delivers water to villages in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan, bordering Pakistan, once a week. There are no other sources of water anywhere nearby, locals told RTD journalists, saying their once fertile lands are turning into a desert.
– Stunning Images From America’s Most Important Aquifer:
The Ogallala aquifer stretches from South Dakota all the way south to Texas and is the largest aquifer in the United States holding as much water as Lake Huron at 2.9 billion acre feet. The Ogallala single handedly turned the arid High Plains region of the midwest into a $20 billion a year agricultural powerhouse that produces one-fifth of the country’s wheat, corn and beef cattle. The problem is that the water in the Ogallala, like many aquifers in the world, is being pumped dry. In many places the aquifer is dropping a foot a year and in other places it has already run dry.
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On Tuesday, July 26, Florida’s Environmental Regulation Commission voted 3-2 in favor of passing controversial new water quality standards that will raise the maximum allowable levels of more than two dozen cancer-causing chemicals to be dumped into the state’s rivers and streams.
The new standards, which were based on Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recommendations, were passed despite strong opposition from clean water advocates who say that the move poses a serious health threat and paves the way for widespread fracking operations in the state.
– California Drought Worsens – El Nino ‘Gains’ Flushed Into The Pacific As Water Storage Runs Dry:
Californians were recently warned that water levels in the San Luis Reservoir were dangerously low and that water deliveries from the project would likely be shut down as early as this weekend.
The San Luis Reservoir supplies water to the Santa Clara Valley, San Benito County as well as farmers in the Central Valley. As of July 22nd, the reservoir stood at 11% of total capacity (226k AF) which puts storage well below the levels recorded during the driest season recorded in 1976-1977. This news comes in spite of a robust rainy season in California with YTD precipitation roughly 16% higher than the long-term average and over 200% higher than the driest 1976-1977 season.
So, why are California’s reservoirs drying up in spite of a solid rainy season? The answer lies in the environmental regulations implemented to protect the Delta Smelt, a 5-7cm fish and endangered resident of the California Delta. Regulations designed to protect the non-native species have prevented pumping of water from the California Delta in Northern California leaving many reservoirs in Southern California empty. So rather than take advantage of a solid rainy season the State of California has opted to squander the opportunity to refill its water infrastructure and pump the water through the San Francisco bay and into the Pacific Ocean instead.
Related info:
– 24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water
– If you knew what was in tap water you would never drink it again:
Water is essential to all life on Earth. When it comes to humans, our bodies require water for virtually every biological process needed to stay alive.
Playing a crucial part in the body’s overall digestive system, water helps to flush out your kidneys and liver, and to rid your body of any previously ingested toxins.
If water is such an essential tool in the removal of harmful substances, why would we ever want to contaminate it?
Unknown to many, most tap water has been found to contain traces of a myriad of potentially harmful toxins, including antibiotics and heavy metals. According to the Global Healing Center, “There are more than 80 ‘regulated’ contaminants and more unregulated toxins, like the rocket fuel component perchlorate which are present in most tap water.”
Read moreIf you knew what was in tap water you would never drink it again
– Nestlé Discovers Water in the Arizona Desert, and Bottles It:
Despite a 17-year drought, Phoenix has welcomed the sale of its water as a consumer product—but for how long?
A Nestlé bottling unit is opening a new plant in drought-stricken Phoenix because that’s where the water is. Really.
Drought? Desert? Water? The pure dissonance provoked understandable controversy among the sand-lubbers who make up one of the top three U.S. markets in per capita water-bottle-swigging.
“It’s hard for people to hold in their minds,” said Sarah Porter, director of the Kyl Water Center at Arizona State University. “Those two things don’t seem compatible.” And yet the question remains—how can they bottle water in the desert?
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Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated 10 million Americans with brain-damaging contaminants that surpass EPA limits.
Yet the EPA has not alerted Americans to these toxic heavy metals in their water. Just as in the case of Flint, Michigan, the EPA is systematically covering up irrefutable scientific evidence of heavy metals water contamination across America.