– UMich Survey Shows Americans Have Never, Ever Been More Bullish About Stocks
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
H/t reader squodgy:
“Bitcoin appears at the same time as QE. ?????
Is it slightly possible we’ve been set up again by the Bankster Cabal again?
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– Trump Now Live-Tweeting The Market: “Record High For S&P 500”:
Apparently, having nothing else to comment on this morning, moments ago the president tweeted that as of this moment, the S&P just hit its latest, 40th YTD, all time high in 2017.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 29, 2017
Putting this declaration in context, in April 2016, Trump was feeling increasingly bearish about stocks. He told The Washington Post that they were overvalued and that the strong data that showed a healthy economy were essentially phony.
“I think we’re sitting on an economic bubble. A financial bubble,” Mr. Trump said.
By September, he was arguing that the Federal Reserve was propping up a “false economy” that is actually weak.
Read moreTrump Now Live-Tweeting The Market: “Record High For S&P 500!”
– The Stock Market Is Seriously Overvalued Based On This Benchmark:
As Americans place a record amount of bets into a stock market that continues to rise towards the heavens, few realize how much the Dow Jones Index is overvalued. While some metrics suggest that the Dow Jones Index is very expensive, there is another indicator that shows just how much of a bubble the market has become.
If we compare the Dow Jones Index to the price of oil, we can see how much the market has to fall to get back to a more realistic valuation. For example, if the Dow Jones Index were to decline to the same ratio to oil back to its low in early 2009, it would need to lose 14,500 points or 65% of its value.
Read moreThe Stock Market Is Seriously Overvalued Based On This Benchmark
In this extensive interview with USAWatchdog.com’s Greg Hunter, Charles Nenner, renowned financial and geopolitical analyst, has been saying for a few years that “there would be no market crash until the end of 2017,” and “if people were not positioned correctly, they could lose everything.”
It’s nearing the end of 2017, and Nenner says, “I think we are there already. . . . We, personally, are totally out of stocks at this point.”
So, where is Nenner telling people to stash their cash?
– The Dow Falls 274 Points As ‘Eclipse Fever’ Hits The Financial Markets:
Have we now entered a time of major financial shaking? On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 274 points. The was the largest decline for the Dow since May, and high yield bonds were down dramatically as well. Many are blaming the terror attack in Barcelona and “instability in the White House” for the downturn, but could “eclipse fever” also be a factor? The closer that we get to the solar eclipse on August 21st, the weirder people seem to be getting. You will see what I am talking about below.
But first let’s talk about the financial markets. I have been warning that stocks are massively overvalued for quite a while now, and it turns out that the Federal Reserve very much agrees with me…
Read moreThe Dow Falls 274 Points As ‘Eclipse Fever’ Hits The Financial Markets
– One Trader Scoffs “Finally, A Market Where It’s Easy To Get Rich”:
Nothing matters, until it does …
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H/t reader squodgy.
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Change we can believe in!
Oh, wait… it’s now called: Make America great again!
– Trump Tweets Dow 22,000 Today: Embraces Big, Fat, Ugly Bubble:
Having dismissed the “big, fat, ugly bubble” during his campaign, President Trump seems more than willing – in his apparently desperate search for a win – to embrace the bubble now. Continuing the trend over the weekend, Trump’s first tweet of the morning crows of his massive market gains since election…
Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 1, 2017
We tend to agree with Peter Schiff on this – it’s a mistake for Trump to ‘own’ the stock market’s gains…
Read moreTrump Tweets Dow 22,000 Today: Embraces Big, Fat, Ugly Bubble
One week ago, we reported that in the latest weekly survey of Bank of America high net worth clients, the cash allocation had fallen to an all time low of just 10.4%, below the previous record low of 11% in April 2007 as everyone is “forced” to dance in this market, in which the music is still playing.
Now, in a separate confirmation of what Deutsche Bank recently classified as market “froth”, Jonathan Tepper points out that the stock euphoria has finally spread to the retail investor.
– A Mystery Investor Has Made A 262 Million Dollar Bet That The Stock Market Will Crash By October:
One mystery trader has made an extremely large bet that the stock market is going to crash by October, and if he is right he could potentially make up to 262 million dollars on the deal. Fortunes were made and lost during the great financial crisis of 2008, and the same thing will happen again the next time we see a major stock market crash. But will that stock market crash take place before 2017 is over? Without a doubt, we are in the midst of one of the largest stock market bubbles in U.S. history, and many prominent investors are loudly warning of an imminent stock market collapse. It doesn’t take a genius to see that this stock market bubble is going to end very badly just like all of the other stock market bubbles throughout history have, but if you could know the precise timing that it will end you could set yourself up financially for the rest of your life.
I want to be very clear about the fact that I do not know what will or will not happen by the end of October. But one mystery investor is extremely convinced that market volatility is going to increase over the next few months, and if he is correct he will make an astounding amount of money. According to Business Insider, the following is how the trade was set up…
– Steve St. Angelo: Prepare For Asset Price Declines Of 50-75%:
Any sense of prosperity in today’s economy is based on a falsehood, claims Steve St. Angelo, proprietor of the SRSrocco Report website.
Like we here at PeakProsperity.com, Steve is a student of energy. He shares our worldview that net energy per capita has been in steady decline, and a result, future growth will be limited. Also like us, he notes that the “growth” seen over the past several decades hasn’t been due to surplus net energy (which makes being able to do more possible). Instead, it has been fueled by debt — which essentially steals prosperity from the future and consumes it today.
Any third-grader with a crayon can quickly tell you that kind of scam can’t last forever. And it can’t. Once the can can’t be kicked any further and the next economic and/or financial crisis is upon us, Steve sees today’s over-inflated asset prices quickly dropping by a gut-wrenching 50-75%:
Read moreSteve St. Angelo: Prepare For Asset Price Declines Of 50-75% (Video)
– The Swiss National Bank Owns $80 Billion In US Stocks – Here’s The Catch:
Switzerland is a small country of just 8 million people, but they make an outsized impact on economics and finance and money.
Because Switzerland is considered a safe haven and a well-run country, many people would like to hold large amounts of their assets in the Swiss franc. This makes the Swiss franc intolerably strong for Swiss businesses and citizens.
So the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has to print a great deal of money and use nonconventional means to hold down the value of their currency. Their overnight repo rate is -0.75%.
Read moreThe Swiss National Bank Owns $80 Billion In US Stocks – Here’s The Catch
If Jim Rogers is right, the worst stock market crash that any of us has ever seen is right around the corner. For the past 15 years, Rogers has been a frequent guest analyst on CNBC, Fox News and elsewhere, and he is immensely respected for the depth of knowledge and experience that he brings to the table. So the fact that he is warning that we are about to see the worst stock market crash in any of our lifetimes is making a lot of waves in the financial community. And of course Rogers is far from alone. Previously, I have written about several other prominent experts that are warning that a new financial crisis is imminent, and I have also discussed how a number of big investors are quietly positioning themselves to make an enormous amount of money when the markets crash. Could it be possible that all of these incredibly sharp minds could be wrong? Yes, but I wouldn’t bet on it.