Fukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

If you take Vitamin C from Acerola and take it together with grapeseed powder or extract, then the protection that Vitamin C will give you will be 1000 times stronger.

Children who lost their hair from the Chernobyl radiation grew it back when supplemented with Spirulina.

Why is it that close to no website mentions all these wonderful, cheap and scientific proven supplements that protect people from radiation?

This list should be all over the internet:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

(The only thing wrong with this list is that it says that Lugols solution isn’t safe.)

Fukushima radiation cover-up continues – here’s how to protect yourself (Natural News, May 25, 2012):

It’s not just Fukushima, though that may be enough. The northern hemisphere especially had been inundated with radioactive fallout by atmospheric nuclear weapons testing from 1950 to 1963. The Nevada testing area alone produced 1200 nuclear explosions that emitted radioactive particles across the USA.

The Chernobyl incident in 1986 affected hundreds of thousands throughout Europe, Scandinavia, and Russia. The boom in nuclear reactor power plants had already started and was constantly increasing, along with considerable radiation leaking.

A 1996 international court interpretation of international treaties opened the door for widespread use of depleted uranium (DU) that had been prohibited for use as ammunition projectiles that could pierce armor. Tons of DU ammunition has been used in Bosnia and the Mideast since, leaving a radioactive mess that will last for life times.

Read moreFukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

Lists On How To Protect And Detoxify Yourself From Radiation

Here are two excellent lists on what you can do to protect yourself from radiation:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

Related info:

Prof. Chris Busby: Help Save Children Of Fukushima From Radiation! (Video Exposing The Evil Japanese Government)

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation


Lugols solution is perfectly safe (this is also mentioned by another forum user in the following thread below) and a very good choice to protect yourself from radioactive iodine.

See also:

Dr. Donald W. Miller, MD: Iodine for Radioactive Fallout

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation


How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

This is a further summary of radioprotective dietary supplements and other products that are available without a prescription. There are other products that are available by prescription, but I wanted to center on what people could fairly easily obtain.

The references following each entry on the list, for the most part are taken from peer reviewed scientific literature rather than from other sources, as I wanted to be as accurate as possible. Full articles are available from pubmed for a fee, but the abstracts are posted as they are free.

This list is supplied for those who wish to be proactive rather than counting on governmental institutions, so it is intended for those who are interested in what they personally can do to protect themselves and their family members from radioactive contamination.

The dosages listed are only suggestions, and many sources vary considerably as to dosage recommendations for a given product. In some instances the dosages given were those used to treat radiation victims.

Please be alert that doses for Adults and children may be radically different, and persons with health conditions such as kidney disease, liver disease, or other serious medical conditions should always consult with their personal health care provider before using any supplements. Also if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, discuss any supplements with your health care provider before using them.

(1) Probably most useful, (2) Potassium Iodide, Iodate and related products, (3) Vitamins, (4) Supplements, (5) Food items and (6) Miscellaneous products

(1) Probably most useful is here in the first post:


Pectin is found in large quantities in Apples and was used to detoxify radioactive Cesium from the children of Chernobyl. Dose for children was 5 grams twice daily during 18-25 day treatments.

“Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl releases, the annual individual dose limit in heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia exceed 1 mSv/year just because of the unavoidable consumption of locally contaminated products.”

“For practical reasons the curative-like use of apple-pectin food additives might be especially helpful for effective decorporation of Cs-137. From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160,000 Belarussian children received pectin food additives during 18 to 25 days of treatment (5 g twice a day). As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children’s organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%.

[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]


Blocks uptake of stronium-90. Adults may take 1500 mg daily.

[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]


(either calcium alginate or sodium alginate) as an alternative treatment for radioactive strontium: “The data obtained show that the uptake of ingested strontium from milk was reduced by a factor of nine when alginate was added to milk. It is concluded that alginate preparations are a suitable antidote against radio-strontium.”

“A pilot production procedure has been established. Na alginate (sodium alginate) from S. siliquastrum (algae species)was proven to be a potent agent for reducing Sr (strontium) absorption, with high efficiency and virtually no toxicity. Strontium absorption in human subjects was reduced by 78% (+/- 8.9) or completely suppressed the increase of serum Sr at 2 h after ingestion. In cases of emergency, an alginate syrup preparation appears to be more suitable because of its rapid action.”
“It was found that administration of sodium alginate as a jelly overcomes the problem of constipation and effectively reduces Sr(89) uptake, up to 83%. This fact represents a significant finding with respect to the use of the compound in human subjects.”

[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
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[link to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]

Read moreHow To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

See also:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Dr. Donald W. Miller, MD: Iodine for Radioactive Fallout

By Dr. Rima Laibow

First, the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation extend their sympathies to all those who have suffered from the effects of the mega-quake, tsunami and radiological disaster in Japan. We have been discussing how we can help you gain some greater understanding with regard to the radiation risks that face much of the planet; we are all truly “downwind” from the drift of modern technological mistakes and limitations (we note, in addition to the tragedy in Japan, the wide-spread “drift” of GMO pollution of the natural genetic properties of life on this planet and the foreseeable world-wide genetic harm engendered by dangerous vaccines; see: ). Below are Research Notes from Dr. Rima and comments about them, as she Skyped them to me earlier today, in between meetings and seeing patients, as the radiological disaster continued to unfold on the world’s media. [rf]

Dr. Rima: “If ever there was a time for life style change, coupled with a demand for clean, unadulterated food and the protection and support of the supplements that you need now and will need for the rest of your life, it is now. And if ever there was a time to call for the total banning of the two most dangerous misapplications of science in human history, GMOs and nuclear power, that time was yesterday. We missed yesterday so today is the time, and tomorrow and all the tomorrows that these disasters still allow us.”UPDATE 03.19.11: “I’ve sourced a good source of natural Iodine (not the phramaceutical form used for prescription purposes) since the disaster in Japan reminds us all how deficient in Iodine the population is; supplementing will benefit your body no matter what happens; product name: Emerald Sea: www.naturalsolutions.myemeraldstore.com .” rel

[12:08:07 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Radiation detoxification:

Potassium iodide KI or KIO3, Lugol’s solution works. Iodine has low toxicity: most people are iodine deficient so high doses are advised. Just a couple (2 to 4) per day sipped in juice. Foods that may prevent the body from using iodine are: turnip, cabbage, mustard greens, cassava root, soybeans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet. These foods are called goitrogens and excessive consumption can cause goiters so if you are using them temporarily, eat them raw. [Iodine is sold as a dietary supplement, but if sold to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine emitted by a reactor accident might be considered a “prescription drug” so remember, you are obtaining it to supplement your diet… rf]

[12:09:12 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Miso soup made BEFORE March 11, 2011 – traditionally used to detox from electromagnetic overdoses.

[12:10:36 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Sulfur containing, thiol rich compounds like MSM and foods like asparagus.

[12:14:21 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Alkalinizing diet and agents (sodium bicarbonate away from food, lemon juice in water).

[12:14:27 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Large amounts of the freshest, purest water you can get; magnetize your water before drinking or bathing!

[12:17:52 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Minimum radiation doses which damage tissue:

Read moreDr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

And Now: The FDA Is Going After Vitamin C! – ACTION ALERT


The reason why vitamin C infusions are effective in cancer therapy is because of hydrogen peroxide (H202) production, which destroys the cancer causing parasites, sending the ‘immortal’ cancer cells into apoptosis:

Study: Vitamin C May Fight Cancer (WebMed):

Levine’s team studied vitamin C (also called ascorbate or ascorbic acid) and cancer cells in lab tests. Vitamin C appeared to boost production of hydrogen peroxide, which killed cancer cells and left healthy cells unharmed.

The levels of vitamin C were so high that they could only be achieved through IV infusions.

Intravenous Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells:

Recall how hydrogen peroxide is poured on wounds to kill germs. Well now researchers clearly show high-dose vitamin C, when administered intravenously, can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels within cancer cells and kills them. I.V. vitamin C was also demonstrated to kill germs and may be an effective therapy for infectious disease.

With a growing body of evidence mounting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers conceded today that intravenous vitamin C may be an effective treatment for cancer. Last year the same researchers reported a similar study but the news media failed to publish it.

The latest study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms the work of Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling who conducted cancer research in the 1970s with vitamin C. Dr. Pauling’s studies were discredited at the time by poorly conducted research studies at the Mayo Clinic.

Unlike cancer drugs, I.V. vitamin C selectively killed cancer cells, but not healthy cells, and showed no toxicity. The ability of intravenous vitamin C to kill lymphoma cells was remarkable — almost 100% at easily achievable blood serum concentrations.

For inexplicable reasons, NIH researchers continue to maintain high-dose oral vitamin C can produce a limited increase in serum vitamin C concentrations. However, their earlier study published in 2004 clearly showed oral-dose vitamin C can achieve three times greater blood concentration than previously thought possible, a fact which negates the current Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C. [Annals Internal Medicine 140:533—7, 2004] NIH researchers refuse to issue a retraction of their earlier flawed research which mistakenly claimed humans cannot benefit from high-dose oral vitamin C supplements.

The NIH also offered no explanation why it has taken 35 years to confirm the work of Dr. Linus Pauling.

For my German readers:

„Die Ärzte-Zeitung“ berichtete am 14.09.2005 ebenso wie „Spiegel online“ am 13.09.2005 und die „FAZ“ am 18.09.2005 von den Ergebnissen einer amerikanischen Studie des „National Institutes of Health“ in Bethesda/USA : dort wurde an Zellkulturen die krebsabtötende Wirkung von hochdosiertem Vitamin C nachgewiesen. Die Wissenschaftler untersuchten die Wirkung von Ascorbinsäure an zehn Krebszelllinien und vier Kulturen gesunder Körperzellen. Das Ergebnis war eindeutig:

Das Vitamin C tötete gezielt die Krebszellen ab, während die gesunden Zellen nicht geschädigt wurden!

Damit die Tumorzellen tatsächlich abstarben, musste Vitamin C jedoch in sehr hohen Konzentrationen von 8-10g verabreicht werden, wie sie nur durch eine Infusion direkt in die Vene erreicht werden können. Die Ascorbinsäure führt zur Bildung von Wasserstoffperoxid, welches den Tod der Krebszellen verursachte, stellten die Forscher weiter fest. Wasserstoffperoxid entstand dabei jedoch nur in der unmittelbaren Umgebung de Zellen und nicht im Blut. Das Blut sei deshalb ein ideales Transportmittel, mit dem intravenös verabreichte Ascorbinsäure zu den verschiedenen Geweben befördert werden könne, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences“ (Bd. 1202, S.13604). Zudem könnte die Ascorbinsäure auch für die Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten verwendet werden, denn Wasserstoffperoxid spielt im Immunsystem eine wichtige Rolle in der Abwehr von Bakterien und Viren.

Zusammenfassend sind die Ergebnisse der o.g. Studie aus folgenden Gründen wichtig:

  1. Sie bestätigt Ergebnisse früherer in vitro Studien, dass Vitamin C Tumorzellen zerstören kann.
  2. Sie zeigt klar, dass Vitamin C diese Wirkung nur in hohen Konzentrationen zeigt, die nur über die parenterale Gabe möglich sind.
  3. Sie zeigt klar, dass Vitamin C für Tumorzellen toxisch, für normale Zellen aber harmlos ist.
  4. Sie zeigt, das Vitamin C Tumorzellen durch Herstellung von Wasserstoffperoxid im extrazellulären Raum zerstört.
  5. Sie zeigt, dass Vitamin C kein Wasserstoffperoxid im Blut generiert.
  6. Die Autoren schließen daraus, dass die Generierung von Wasserstoffperoxid durch den parenteralen Einsatz von hoch dosiertem Vitamin C auch die Behandlung von Infektionen unterstützt.


This is one of many reasons why the FDA will take injectable vitamin C away from the people.

The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can’t touch. Please help reverse this outrageous decision!

Let’s get this straight. The government acknowledges the risk of a worldwide flu pandemic. It acknowledges that conventional drugs cannot cure big viruses-like the mononucleosis and hepatitis viruses, many influenza viruses, and many others. It acknowledges that many bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics and are killing increasing thousands. It acknowledges the risk of a worldwide drug-resistant TB pandemic.

Despite acknowledging all this, it now insists on wiping out one of the best potential treatments for these conditions and for certain cancers as well. And why is this being done? What possible rationale is offered? Because it’s dangerous? No. Because it can’t be patented and therefore won’t be taken through the standard FDA approval process. No matter that vitamin C is one of the least toxic components of our food supply and liquid forms of it have been used safely for decades.

By the way, here is what is not safe. Don’t substitute home-made vitamin C solution for pharmaceutical grade liquid. That is not safe for injection. If the FDA action leads someone to do that, the FDA should be held responsible for the results.

The government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients. There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance.

With at least one of the pharmacies, the FDA seems to be banning injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B-complex 100 as well. These two substances are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail,” used especially for conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, and infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and flu. The FDA is not going after the Myers Cocktail directly, but is rather attacking each individual substance used to make the cocktail, and may conceivably be going after injectable vitamins and minerals in general, despite such injections being given under the care of a qualified physician.

Please contact the FDA right away, and tell them to stop this foolish war on intravenous vitamin C!

Each of us reading this should think, “Intravenous C could someday save my life.” Dr. Jonathan Collin, editor of the Townsend Letter, discusses the case of a man in New Zealand who nearly died from swine flu. After developing a severe fever and upper respiratory infection, his condition deteriorated and he became comatose. Eventually even a ventilator was insufficient to keep him breathing because his lungs were so compromised by pulmonary edema. After weeks of heroic intervention, doctors decided there was no chance of survival and nothing further should be done for him.

The family asked the hospital to administer intravenous vitamin C. After much disagreement, the hospital gave him 25 grams of vitamin C every 6 hours. There was so much improvement over the next two days that the hospital decided to reinstate his intensive care—but they discontinued the vitamin C, saying that he had improved only because they had rolled him onto his side or his stomach instead of keeping him on his back! Not surprisingly, his condition once again deteriorated.

The family moved him to another facility that reluctantly allowed the IV vitamin C (albeit at a lower dose), and his lung function gradually improved. He came out of coma after four weeks, and after taking vitamin C orally, he gradually improved enough to be discharged. One year later, he was back to flying his plane and surveying his farm in New Zealand. None of the doctors who fought so hard to prevent his treatment with vitamin C have ever acknowledged their error.

Read moreAnd Now: The FDA Is Going After Vitamin C! – ACTION ALERT

Bee pollen superfood boosts immune system function

Bee collecting pollen

(NaturalNews) There are many superfoods that boost immune function, but few do it with as much potency as bee pollen. Through its unique combination of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes, bee pollen offers one of the most revitalizing natural superfoods in the world (especially when collected from local bees who are in tune with your local environment).

We’ve put together a collection of research for you here, describing the health benefits of bee pollen. NaturalNews reminds everyone to be mindful when consuming bee products due to the very high stresses already placed on honeybees in North America and Europe. Make sure your source practices organic bee farming and does not expose honeybees to high-fructose corn syrup or other chemicals that may be harmful to bee populations.

Bee pollen and your immune system

Bee pollen has been used throughout history as a superfood to restore energy and recuperative powers to the ailing individual. Bee pollen improves allergies in many individuals, and hence may have a regulating effect on the immune system by helping to dampen unnecessary autoimmune attacks which saves immune warriors for the real cancer battle. There is no toxicity to bee pollen. Other bee products with extraordinary healing properties include royal bee jelly and propolis, which is the antibiotic compound used by bees to disinfect their hives before occupation.
– Beating Cancer with Nutrition, book with CD by Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS

While the effects are not so dramatic for everyone with arthritis, bee pollen is used by natural healthcare practitioners around the world to help alleviate arthritis symptoms. Energy Boost: Bee pollen is a popular supplement among many athletes, who report that it helps them train hard and recover quickly. Many athletes report that it helps increase stamina. Immune Support: Bee pollen is reported to help strengthen the immune system. People susceptible to reoccurring colds and respiratory tract infections may be helped.
– The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies: Proven Medical Remedies That Medical Doctors Don’t Know About by Mark Stengler, N.D.

Bee pollen has more amino acids and vitamins than other amino-acid-containing products like beef, eggs, or cheese. Bee pollen is one of the few vegetable sources of vitamin B12 (Scheer 1992). A tablespoonful of bee pollen contains about 45 calories and is 15% lecithin (which is required for normal fat metabolism) by weight (Kamen 1991).
PDR for Herbal Medicines, 4th Edition by Thomson Healthcare, Inc.

Read moreBee pollen superfood boosts immune system function

Vitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science)

(NaturalNews) The latest attack on vitamins A, C, E, selenium and beta-carotene comes from the Cochrane Library, a widely-read source of information on conventional health matters. In the paper published yesterday, these antioxidants were linked with a higher risk of mortality (“they’ll kill you!”), and now serious-sounding scientists have warned consumers away from taking vitamins altogether. But with all the benefits of antioxidants already well known to the well-informed, how did the Cochrane Library arrive at such a conclusion? It’s easy: The researchers considered 452 studies on these vitamins, and they threw out the 405 studies where nobody died! That left just 47 studies where subjects died from various causes (one study was conducted on terminal heart patients, for example). From this hand-picked selection of studies, these researchers concluded that antioxidants increase mortality.

Just in case the magnitude of the scientific fraud taking place here has not yet become apparent, let me repeat what happened: These scientists claimed to be studying the effects of vitamins on mortality, right? They were conducting a meta-analysis based on reviewing established studies. But instead of conducting an honest review of all the studies, they arbitrarily decided to eliminate all studies in which vitamins prevented mortality and kept people alive! They did this by “excluding all studies in which no participants died.” What was left to review? Only the studies in which people died from various causes.

Brilliant, huh? This sort of bass-ackward science would earn any teenager an “F” in high school science class. But apparently it’s good enough for the Cochrane Library, not to mention all the mainstream press outlets that are now repeating these silly conclusions as scientific fact.

Read moreVitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science)