Forsmark Horizontal silo, Sweden’s final repository for radioactive operational waste, located at the Forsmark nuclear power plant in Sweden. Photo: Fred Dawson LRPS via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND).
As the evidence of the extreme harm to health inflicted by nuclear radiation mounts, the denialists are resorting to ever greater extremes, writes Chris Busby. On the one hand, advancing the absurd claim that ionising radition is not merely harmless, but health-enhancing. On the other, closing down the experiment that would have provided the strongest evidence yet.
“The torture imposed on logic, reason and observational data by the advocates of nuclear power has now reached the level of clinical psychosis – a thought disorder in which reality testing is grossly impaired.”It used to be, and indeed children are still taught in schools, that the advances that have been made in the last five hundred years (antibiotics, electricity, computers etc) resulted from the application of Science and its overthrow of dogmatic belief.
Read moreProf. Chris Busby: Nuclear Radiation, Kierkegaard, And The Philosophy Of Denial