Brazilian Meteorologist Prof. Luiz Carlos Molion: World Headed For Global Cooling

See also:

Top Russian Scientist Predicts 100 Years Of Global Cooling

Sun’s Ultraviolet Light Could Explain The Coming Mini Ice Age

Britain Faces Mini Ice Age That Could Last For Decades


Global Cooling and the New World Order:

“The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.”


Prof. Ian Clark: ‘Rises in C02 lag 800 years behind temperature rises!’:

‘Rises in C02 lag 800 years behind temperature rises. So temperature is leading CO2 by 800 years!’
– Prof. Ian Clark

(This was a really nice video, but ALL videos have been removed and is gone and this quote is all that is left.)

CO2 is environmentally friendly and global warming and the carbon hype are a scam. Even IF there would be global warming, then CO2 would have nothing to do with it, because CO2 lags 800 years behind rising temperatures! That is a scientific fact and if you watch ‘An Inconvenient Truth (Lie)’ again, then you will see exactly that relation in Al Gore’s fake hockey stick graph:

Professor Luiz Carlos Molion

World headed for global cooling, says Brazilian meteorologist (Ice Age Now, Nov. 17, 2011):

9 Dec 09 – According to Professor Luiz Carlos Molion, Latin American representative in the World Meteorological Organization, post-doctorate in meteorology, and member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin, reductions in carbon emissions will not affect climate.

“Carbon dioxide does not control the global climate,” says Molion. “The climate is very complex and could never be dominated by CO2.

“CO2 is due to increased temperature, says Molion. “When the temperature rises the oceans release more CO2.”

“The amount of carbon released by humans is very small, negligible in comparison with the natural flows of the oceans, soil and vegetation.” Nature launches 200 billion tons of carbon per year into the atmosphere. Man launches only six billion tons.”

“Of all the people here in Brazil, maybe I’m climatologist more senior,” says Molion.

Read moreBrazilian Meteorologist Prof. Luiz Carlos Molion: World Headed For Global Cooling