It’s All Staged: CNN Caught Using Crisis Actor To Attack Donald Trump


CNN caught using crisis actor operative to attack Donald Trump:

CNN has just been caught red-handed playing up a staged “crisis actor” attack on Donald Trump. The crisis actor, a woman named Lauren Batchelder, was an audience plant working for Jeb Bush, the Republican establishment candidate for President. At a Jon Huntsman “No Labels” event, Batchelder posed as a regular audience member, then unleashed a vicious attack against Trump with a contrived, pre-planned verbal script that tried to smear his reputation with women.

The entire thing, however, was completely scripted from the start. “Within minutes of her scripted performance at the event, the producers of CNN were quickly editing soundbites and framing a narrative. That story was pushed into the media stream within hours,” reports

Read moreIt’s All Staged: CNN Caught Using Crisis Actor To Attack Donald Trump