Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Like The Perfect ‘Kondratieff Winter’ Storm Ahead

Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Like The Perfect ‘Kondratieff Winter’ Storm Ahead (ZeroHedge, Oct 8, 2014):

 The following chart-heavy presentation from Grant Williams is among his best as he wends his way methodically from the 19th century to the present day (and into the future) examining “The Consequences of the Economic Peace.” From Keynes to Kondratieff and from Napoleon to Nixon, Williams looks at the ramifications of several decades of easy credit and attempts to draw parallels with a time in history when the world looked remarkably similar to how it does now (as he notes “that last time didn’t end so well, I’m afraid.”) The real day of reckoning (Williams notes rather ominously), when the unconscionable level of debt that has been built up during the fiat money era finally topples over under its own weight like the giant wave in The Perfect Storm, lies ahead of us.

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Beginning of Hyperinflation

Hard Cash Investor Walter K. Eichelburg Sees Hard Times

After the panic in the financial markets, the government might panic also ensues. (Rolf van Melis/Pixelio)

GERMANY-Hard-Cash investor Walter K. Eichelburg, predicted the mortgage bubble bust and insolvency of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the United States in an early 2007 Epoch Times interview. He made himself available for another interview with The Epoch Times.

Epoch Times (ET): Mr. Eichelburg, what can we learn from today’s crisis?

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