Warren Buffett Wins Again: Berkshire To Get $29 Billion Boost Under Trump Tax Plan


Buffett Wins Again: Berkshire To Get $29 Billion Boost Under Trump Tax Plan:

Something curious happened as Trump was “draining the swamp” – the man who by some accounts owns the swamp, Hillary Clinton’s billionaire backer Warren Buffett, may be about to get some $29 billion richer, if only on paper, thanks to Trump’s tax-rate cut policies which would boost the book value of Berkshire by as much as $29 billion.

According to an analysis by Barclays, Berkshire may soon enjoy a $29 billion boost to its book value under Trump’s proposed tax reform. “We would view this magnitude of increase as favorable for Berkshire shares since it is generally valued on price to book value,” Barclays analysts led by Jay Gelb said in a note to investors Monday first reported by Bloomberg. Berkshire’s book value was more than $270 billion as of Sept. 30; it would surpass $300 billion should Trump’s proposal for a 15% corporate tax rate be enacted.

Read moreWarren Buffett Wins Again: Berkshire To Get $29 Billion Boost Under Trump Tax Plan

Charlie Munger: Gold Is For Holocaust-Era Jewish Families To Sew Into Their Garments; Civilized People Don’t Buy Gold

🙂 Flashback:

Warren Buffett Priced In Gold: Can You Say Bubble? Or, More To The Point, Can You Say Bursting?

See also:

The Best Reason In The World To Buy Gold (Forbes): Beijing Is Planning To Avoid U.S. Financial Sanctions On Iran By Paying For Oil With Gold

Charlie Munger: Gold Is For Holocaust-Era Jewish Families To Sew Into Their Garments; Civilized People Don’t Buy Gold (ZeroHedge, May 5, 2012):

While Becky Quick’s CNBC interview with the Charlie Munger has a little for everyone to love and hate (from Keynesian-doctrine to easy-living-Greeks and Bad-trading-robots), Buffett’s right-hand was particularly eloquent in his views (at around 9:08) on Einhorn’s distrust of the Fed and buying Gold: “gold is a great thing to sew onto your garments if you’re a Jewish family in Vienna in 1939 but civilized people don’t buy gold – they invest in productive businesses.” End quote.

It is actually funny, because years ago, someone warned us precisely about crony capitalist creeps such as this one:

“I warn you that politicians of both parties will oppose the restoration of gold, although they may outwardly seemingly favor it, unless you are willing to surrender your children and your country to galloping inflation, war and slavery then this cause demands your support. for if human liberty is to survive in America, we must win the battle to restore honest money.  There is no more important challenge facing us than this issue — the restoration of your freedom to secure gold in exchange for  the fruits of your labors.”

Where did the warning come from?

The father of the man who made Charlie Munger richer than he certainly deserves to be: Howard Buffett.

Howard Buffett