Johannes Lichtenberger (Died in 1503): “There will come a time when the [Arabs] will assemble in German lands and will conquer the circle of the earth. They will destroy cities and empires.”

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Earth’s Atmosphere has Changed (Video) – Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 – #GlobalCooling, #ClimateChange, #GlobalWarming, #Geoengineering

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Greece: August sees billion euro uptick in unpaid taxes – “They will impose you a huge & unbearable tax but will not catch up” — Saint Kosmas Aetolos

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Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain

Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain:

Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,

  • “The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa’s population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million. In our digital age with the internet and mobile phones, everyone knows about our prosperity and lifestyle.” — German Development Minister Gerd Müller.
  • “Young people all have cellphones and they can see what’s happening in other parts of the world, and that acts as a magnet.” — Michael Møller, Director of the United Nations office in Geneva.
  • “If we do not manage to solve the central problems in African countries, ten, 20 or even 30 million immigrants will arrive in the European Union within the next ten years.” — Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament.

Spain is on track to overtake Greece as the second-biggest gateway for migrants entering Europe by sea. The sudden surge in migration to Spain comes amid a crackdown on human smuggling along the Libya-Italy sea route, currently the main migrant point of entry to Europe.

The westward shift in migration routes from Greece and Italy implies that Spain, situated only ten miles from Africa by sea, may soon find itself at the center of Europe’s migration crisis.

More than 8,300 illegal migrants have reached Spanish shores during the first seven months of 2017 — three times as many as in all of 2016, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Read moreEurope: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain

Greek President Blasts Erdogan After Turkish Harassment: “Provocations Are Sign Of Weakness, Come & Get It!”

Greek President Blasts Erdogan After Turkish Harassment: “Provocations Are Sign Of Weakness, Come & Get It!”: reports that Greek president Prokopis Pavlopoulos sent a sharp worded message to his Turkish counter Recep Tayyip Erdogan, following a series of provocations accompanying his tour to the islands of the eastern Aegean Sea.

“The brave do not provoke,” President Pavlopoulos told Greek soldiers safeguarding the remote island of Ai Stratis. “Provocations, especially provocations without a reason, are characteristic signs of  weakness and insecurity.”

“What history and our ancestors taught us is “Molon Labe”, Pavlopoulos added citing the famous quote of Spartan King Leonidas I.

Molon labe (Greek: ????? ???? mol?n lavé), meaning “come and take [them]”, is a classical expression of defiance. According to Plutarch, Xerxes, king of Persia, demanded that the Spartans surrender their weapons and King Leonidas I responded with this phrase.

This occurred after, as KeepTalkingGreece reports, two times in two consecutive days, Turks harassed the helicopter carrying Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos on a tour visiting several remote islands and islets in the eastern Aegean Sea.

Read moreGreek President Blasts Erdogan After Turkish Harassment: “Provocations Are Sign Of Weakness, Come & Get It!”

Greece Brain Drain: 33% Of Unemployed Looking For Jobs Abroad Vs 11% In 2015

Greece Brain Drain: 33% Of Unemployed Looking For Jobs Abroad Vs 11% In 2015:

Despite the falling unemployment rate, the percentage of those unemployed seeking jobs abroad has risen from 11% in 2015 to 33% this year. The message seems to be “get me the hell out of here”.

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Greek coast guard opens fire on Turkish-flagged cargo vessel in Aegean Sea – report

Greek coast guard opens fire on Turkish-flagged cargo vessel in Aegean Sea – report:

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said it strongly condemns the incident in which Greek coast guard boats reportedly fired shots at a Turkish freighter in the Aegean Sea on Monday, calling it an “unmeasured” act on the part of Athens.

“There is no justification… for firing on an unarmed commercial ship carrying freight between two Turkish ports. Our sole consolation is that nobody was killed or injured as a result of the incident,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Ankara said it condemns the actions of the Greek coast guard, carried out in “disregard for human life, which is the most basic right.”

Read moreGreek coast guard opens fire on Turkish-flagged cargo vessel in Aegean Sea – report

Bomb Detonates Inside Car Of Former Greek Prime Minister And Central Banker Papademos

Bomb Detonates Inside Car Of Former Greek Prime Minister And Central Banker Papademos:

Greek media reports that an explosion has taken place inside the car of former Greek prime minister and central banker. Lucas Papademos was transferred to an Athens hospital after what appeared to be a letter bomb explosion inside the armored-plated car where he was a passenger.

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Greek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown

Greek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown:

Last week, the Greek parliament once again approved more austerity to unlock withheld Greek bailout funds in Brussels: a symbolic move, which has little impact without any actual follow through, like for example, actually imposing austerity. And while Greeks have been very good in the former (i.e. promises), they have been severely lacking in the latter (i.e. delivery).

That may be changing. According to Kathimerini, Greek Finance Ministry inspectors are about to start seeking out the owners of all local undeclared properties, while the law will be amended to allow for financial products and the content of safe deposit boxes to be confiscated electronically. The plan for the identification of taxpayers who have “forgotten” to declare their properties to the tax authorities is expected to be ready by year-end, according to the timetable of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.

Read moreGreek Authorities To Launch Mass Confiscation Of Safe Deposit Boxes, Securities, Homes In Tax-Evasion Crackdown

Unsettling account that raises disturbing questions about Europe’s monetary union

Unsettling account that raises disturbing questions about Europe’s monetary union:

 On a baking hot day in July 2015 Greece’s radical-Left Syriza government won a spectacular mandate to defy the austerity regime of the EU-IMF Troika.

Against all expectations, 61pc of the Greek people voted in a referendum to reject the Carthaginian terms of their latest bail-out deal, a scorched-earth ‘Memorandum’ described by a young French economy minister named Emmanuel Macron as a “modern day version of the Versailles Treaty”.  

It seemed as if the long-running showdown between Athens and the EU authorities had reached an explosive juncture. Markets were braced for the ejection of Greece from the euro in short order. Monetary union was on the verge of break-up.

H/t reader sqoudgy:

“Yes, Greece was definitely raped by the Deep State banksters and global corporatists mainly based in EU.
But what does that mean for Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and UK, all bankrupt and rapidly approaching Stage 1 that Greece reached 5 years ago?”

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Greece To Surrender Gold, Utilities and Real Estate in Exchange For Pieces of Paper Printed in Brussels

Greece To Surrender Gold, Utilities and Real Estate in Exchange For Pieces of Paper Printed in Brussels:

It’s official: The Germans will not allow debt relief for Greece. Instead, Berlin wants to send in the repo man.

The untold story of the Greek “bailouts” is that it wasn’t a “bailout” — it was an auction of Greek assets. Real, tangible things with real, tangible value were seized in exchange for pieces of paper that guarantee Athens will be chained to Berlin and Brussels for the foreseeable future.

H/t reader squodgy:

“The quiet raping of Greece and its people.”

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“The Powers-That-Be Have Looted Everything” – Greek Farmers Fight Riot Police With Shepherd Crooks

“The Powers-That-Be Have Looted Everything” – Greek Farmers Fight Riot Police With Shepherd Crooks:

“We want to have them take back everything they have encumbered us with. To us, it seems like the powers that be have looted everything.

You had been warned, Greece (April 23, 2010):

“The only solution for Greece is to arrest the Goldman Sachs bankers immediately and all those involved in the fabrication of Greek economic data in 2000, when you became a member of the eurozone. The next step is to nationalize all banks like Sweden did in 1993. The International Monetary Fund is that last thing you need. You will lose your sovereignty. It exercises terrorism. You will be raped in such a way, that it will be the worst pain you have ever felt.


If someone burns down your house in order to sell you charcoal, would you consider this logical? That is exactly what Goldman Sachs did to the Greek economy. They burned you down like arsonists and then they tell you not to worry they’ll give you charcoal. It’s outrageous.”


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Greek economy suffers setback ending 2016 worse than expected

Greek economy suffers setback ending 2016 worse than expected:

 After two straight quarters of growth Greece’s economy contracted from October to December, marking the worst quarterly performance since the height of the country’s debt crisis in the summer of 2015.

The latest data from the country’s statistical service Elstat revealed the economy had shrunk 1.2 percent in the final quarter of last year which is three times more than the estimated 0.4 percent.

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“There Must Not Be A Bail In”: Germany Vows “No Debt Relief For Greece”


“There Must Not Be A Bail In”: Germany Vows “No Debt Relief For Greece”:

“There must not be a bail-in,” said Germany’s deputy finance minister, Jens Spahn said quoted by Reuters, adding that “we think it is very, very likely that we will come to an agreement with the International Monetary Fund that does not require a haircut.”

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