The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof (Video)

Jun 22, 2016


The global elite are now in the process of unveiling that which they have been hiding for centuries. There is a spiritual war taking place on planet earth at this very moment. Look no further than the Goothard Tunnel opening ceremony on June 1st in Switzerland. The nearly $9 million dollar occult riddled ritual featured Baphomet copulating with human women, the bride of satan giving birth, all seeing eyes and an endless amount of other Satanic symbology. Meanwhile over at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider project in the same country we see Shiva the God of Destruction standing proudly in front of CERN’s headquarters. And the CERN movie ‘Symmetry’ makes their aims perfectly clear, they are actively trying to break the barrier between that which is seen and unseen. Again, the elite seem Hell bent on ushering in their NWO Beast system and at this point they have stopped hiding it. Would it really surprise any of you who understand this information if you were to find out the Darwin’s theories on the Origins of Species are also nothing more than lies based on deplorably bad “science” in order to get the world’s population to dismiss the notion of a Creator altogether? If the elite could get the whole world to believe this beautiful planet and all who inhabit are nothing more than a random accident, they could get humanity to lower its spiritual shields thereby making it far easier to usher in the global system they seek, helmed by the one they secretly serve, Satan. Spiritual warfare on planet earth is alive and well – and you have been lied to. Author James Perloff joins me to deconstruct Darwin. and share proof that God is real..

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More Evidence Emerges That Our Universe Is A Grand Simulation Created By An Intelligent Designer

Yet more evidence emerges that our universe is a grand simulation created by an intelligent designer (Natural News, Feb 7, 2013):

There’s a lot of buzz in the news about a new scientific study that statistically supports the idea that our known universe is actually a grand computer simulation. This is mainstream science, and the idea isn’t a whacky as you might first suppose. I’ve actually written about this several times in articles about consciousness and the nature of reality. This news, by the way, also supports the idea of a Creator who brought this universe — and everything in it — into existence by design.

A new scientific paper published in arXiv and co-authored by Silas Beane from the University of Bonn reveals strong statistical evidence that our reality is, indeed, a grand computer simulation. The title of the paper is Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation.

Here’s what it means in layman’s terms

Read moreMore Evidence Emerges That Our Universe Is A Grand Simulation Created By An Intelligent Designer

Michelangelo Hid Anatomy Lesson in the Sistine Chapel: Human Brainstem Is Depicted in Image of God

(Click on images to enlarge.)

Hmmmh. I know for 11 years that Michelangelo’s fresco of God  is a detailed anatomic depiction of the brain.

“… Michelangelo, a deeply religious man …”

Oh, really???

Adam has a navel, so he must be born of a women!

The catholic church would have called that nothing less than heresy!

Detailed analysis of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel frescoes reveals a secret that’s been hidden for 500 years: an image of the human brainstem in a panel showing God at the beginning of Creation, according to an article in the May issue of Neurosurgery, official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

July 19, 2010 – Detailed analysis of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel frescoes reveals a secret that’s been hidden for 500 years: an image of the human brainstem in a panel showing God at the beginning of Creation, according to an article in the May issue of Neurosurgery, official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals, and institutions in medicine, nursing, allied health, and pharmacy.

“We propose that Michelangelo, a deeply religious man and an accomplished anatomist, intended to enhance the meaning of this iconographically critical panel and possibly document his anatomic accomplishments by concealing this sophisticated neuroanatomic rendering within the image of God,” write medical illustrator Ian Suk, BSc, BMC, and neurosurgeon Rafael Tamargo, MD, of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore.

Image of Brainstem Concealed in Panel Showing Separation of Light from Darkness:

The “concealed neuroanatomy” is found in Michelangelo’s painting of the Separation of Light from Darkness, one of a series of nine Sistine Chapel panels showing scenes from the Book of Genesis. According to Suk and Tamargo, “anatomically correct ventral [front] depiction” of the brainstem can be seen in God’s neck.

Read moreMichelangelo Hid Anatomy Lesson in the Sistine Chapel: Human Brainstem Is Depicted in Image of God

Robert Fisk: Nine years, two wars, hundreds of thousands dead – and nothing learnt

Divide et impera!

Did 9/11 make us all mad? Our memorial to the innocents who died nine years ago has been a holocaust of fire and blood . . .

The World Trade Center site with memorial footprints of the twin towers visible

Did 9/11 make us all go mad? How fitting, in a weird, crazed way, that the apotheosis of that firestorm nine years ago should turn out to be a crackpot preacher threatening another firestorm with a Nazi-style book burning of the Koran. Or a would-be mosque two blocks from “ground zero” – as if 9/11 was an onslaught on Jesus-worshipping Christians, rather than on the atheist West.

But why should we be surprised? Just look at all the other crackpots spawned in the aftermath of those international crimes against humanity: the half-crazed Ahmadinejad, the smarmy post-nuclear Gaddafi, Blair with his crazed right eye and George W Bush with his black prisons and torture and lunatic “war on terror”. And that wretched man who lived – or lives still – in an Afghan cave and the hundreds of al-Qa’idas whom he created, and the one-eyed mullah – not to mention all the lunatic cops and intelligence agencies and CIA thugs who failed us all – utterly – on 9/11 because they were too idle or too stupid to identify 19 men who were going to attack the United States. And remember one thing: even if the Rev Terry Jones sticks with his decision to back down, another of our cranks will be ready to take his place.

Indeed, on this grim ninth anniversary – and heaven spare us next year from the 10th – 9/11 appears to have produced not peace or justice or democracy or human rights, but monsters. They have prowled Iraq – both the Western and the local variety – and slaughtered 100,000 souls, or 500,000, or a million; and who cares? They have killed tens of thousands in Afghanistan; and who cares? And as the sickness has spread across the Middle East and then the globe, they – the air force pilots and the insurgents, the Marines and the suicide bombers, the al-Qa’idas of the Maghreb and of the Khalij and of the Caliphate of Iraq and the special forces and the close air support boys and the throat-cutters – have torn the heads off women and children and the old and the sick and the young and healthy, from the Indus to the Mediterranean, from Bali to the London Tube; quite a memorial to the 2,966 innocents who were killed nine years ago. All in their name, it seems, has been our holocaust of fire and blood, enshrined now in the crazed pastor of Gainesville.

This is the loss, of course. But who’s made the profit? Well, the arms dealers, naturally, and Boeing and Lockheed Martin and all the missile lads and the drone manufacturers and F-16 spare parts outfits and the ruthless mercenaries who stalk the Muslim lands on our behalf now that we have created 100,000 more enemies for each of the 19 murderers of 9/11. Torturers have had a good time, honing their sadism in America’s black prisons – it was appropriate that the US torture centre in Poland should be revealed on this ninth anniversary – as have the men (and women, I fear) who perfect the shackles and water-drowning techniques with which we now fight our wars. And – let us not forget – every religious raver in the world, be they of the Bin Laden variety, the bearded groupies in the Taliban, the suicide executioners, the hook-in the arm preachers, or our very own pastor of Gainesville.

And God? Where does he fit in? An archive of quotations suggests that just about every monster created in or after 9/11 is a follower of this quixotic redeemer. Bin Laden prays to God – “to turn America into a shadow of itself”, as he told me in 1997 – and Bush prayed to God and Blair prayed – and prays – to God, and all the Muslim killers and an awful lot of Western soldiers and Dr (honorary) Pastor Terry Jones and his 30 (or it may be 50, since all statistics are hard to come by in the “war on terror”) pray to God. And poor old God, of course, has had to listen to these prayers as he always sits through them during our mad wars. Recall the words attributed to him by a poet of another generation: “God this, God that, and God the other thing. ‘Good God,’ said God, ‘I’ve got my work cut out’.” And that was just the First World War…

Read moreRobert Fisk: Nine years, two wars, hundreds of thousands dead – and nothing learnt

US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret ‘Jesus’ Bible Codes. Is The Pentagon Fighting A Religious Crusade?

If the soldiers know this, then the Pentagon most certainly knows this.

January 18, 2010 ABC News

Added: 19. Januar 2010

US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret ‘Jesus’ Bible Codes (ABC News Investigation)

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

‘Harmony’ Baptist Church: A Free Thinker Is Satans Slave

Just A Normal Girl

“Thou shalt not think.”

Be a good, boring, stupid religious sheep.

And sheep get herded, milked, fleeced and slaughtered.

So God gave you a brain, but don’t you dare use it.

In case you are bored with what religion has to offer and you want to read something really wonderful then please read the first three volumes of Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.

For my German readers: Leben und Lehren der Meister in Fernen Osten. Band 1-3.

Read more‘Harmony’ Baptist Church: A Free Thinker Is Satans Slave