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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
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– Dogs detect breast cancer from bandage: researchers:
Dogs can sniff out cancer from a piece of cloth which had touched the breast of a woman with a tumour, researchers said Friday, announcing the results of an unusual, but promising, diagnostic trial.
With just six months of training, a pair of German Shepherds became 100-percent accurate in their new role as breast cancer spotters, the team said.
Read moreDogs detect breast cancer from bandage: researchers
Mitch Seavey glided into Nome with ease Tuesday, pulled by 11 of the 16 dogs he started the race with. This is the third Iditarod championship for the 57-year-old from Seward.
His official time was 8 days, 3 hours, 40 minutes and 13 seconds. He received a check for $75,000 and a new Dodge Ram pickup truck.
Read More:…
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– Alert: US dog food recalled after discovered to contain fatal dose of euthanasia drug:
Evanger’s Dog & Cat Food has recently issues a recall on some of their products after traces of a potentially lethal drug were found in their food.
Pentobarbital is a sedative normally used to euthanize horses, cats, and dogs.
Evanger’s Hunk of Beef Dog Food is currently the only product suspected of contamination. The manufacturer is subsequently voluntarily recalling all Hunk of Beef items bearing lot numbers that start with 1816E03HB, 1816E04HB, 1816E06HB, 1816E07HB, and 1816E13HB, and have an expiration date of June 2020. The FDA reports that the second half of the bar-code should read, “20109,” and it can be located on the back of the product label.
Read moreAlert: US dog food recalled after discovered to contain fatal dose of euthanasia drug
H/t reader squodgy:
Take away the right of free speech & protest at unacceptable Government & you get Tyranny.
Whilst I don’t personally consider a Pit Bull a beautiful example of Canis, and have to admit it is probably quite a weapon if used properly, the worrying aspect of this latest interfering bureaucratic nonsense, this time in Canada, is that they’ll be banning German Shepherds, Rotts & Dobermans if this is deemed successful, and once again the people will be defenceless as Society crumbles and we turn on ourselves as the scum plan. All in increments.”
– City Passes Law Banning Pit Bulls — Will Take and Kill All ‘Pit Bull-Type’ Dogs Without a Permit:
Montreal, CA – The city council of Montreal recently voted to ban ownership of pit bulls, causing outrage from dog lovers everywhere.
The measure was voted by a 37-23 majority, in response to controversy caused by a random dog attack, which was an isolated incident.
Mayor Denis Coderre issued a statement after the vote saying, “My duty as mayor of Montreal is making sure I am working for all Montrealers. And I am there to make sure they feel safe and that they are safe.”
Related info:
– Study: Baby Monkeys Given Standard Doses Of Popular Vaccines Develop AUTISM Symptoms
MIT researcher interviewed in Vaxxed:
“At the current rate in 2032 1 out of every 2 children will be autistic.”
– Dogs suffering allergic reactions and death after being injected with popular Merck vaccine:
Dog owners and veterinary associations in the United Kingdom have been warning of a rash of dangerous and even lethal side effects from a popular vaccine designed to protect dogs from a rare and mild illness.
The disease in question, leptospirosis, can be serious in both dogs and humans, but most cases are mild. It is spread via the urine of infected wild and domestic animals, typically mice and rats, and is most common in poor and rural regions of tropical countries or Eastern Europe. It is not common in the United Kingdom. For this reason, the vaccine is considered optional, rather than required or even recommended.
Seizures, immune failure and death
The leptospirosis vaccine, Nobivac L4, is produced by Merck subsidiary MSD Animal Health, which says that despite its optional status, it is one of the most widely used dog vaccines. More than a million doses of L4 are used in the United Kingdom each year. According to the company, the shot should only be given to dogs older than nine weeks, with a followup dose a month later and a yearly booster.
Read moreDogs Suffering Allergic Reactions And Death After Being Injected With Popular Merck Vaccine
– Vaccines and pesticides cause chronic illnesses in pets, too:
An estimated 50 percent of families in the U.S. own a dog, and about one-third own a cat. If you fall into either of these categories, you are probably familiar with the annual notices you get from your vet, persistently reminding you to vaccinate your pet. But what they aren’t telling you, is that most vaccines provide your pet with lifetime immunity, eliminating the need to vaccinate year after year.
In fact, vaccinating your pet annually poses more risks than it does benefits, because like humans, vaccines cause chronic illness in pets, too. Itchy, allergic dogs are the number one reason pets visit the vet, says Will Falconer, DVM, a homeopathic veterinarian providing care in Central Texas.
Read moreVaccines and pesticides cause chronic illnesses in pets, too
H/t reader squodgy:
“David Icke’s podcast this week explains how his ‘totalitarian tiptoe’ of planned incrementalism is manifesting with the microchipping of dogs.
Initially introduced as ‘optional’, in order to gain our tacit approval, it has now become compulsory. With fines of hundreds of pounds for ‘non-compliance’.
He predicted over 20 years ago how the long term plan of the parasitic cabal was to have total control over everyone via microchips.
He now predicts the next phase is chipping our kids….in order to protect them….????
After that, it’s us. Followed by non compliance shock treatment.
When will we wake up.”
A new paper titled “Microchip-Induced Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A Review of the Literature 1990–2006” has been released…
– Reflections & Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo (Full Video, 02:38:29)
More links on microchips are down below.
– It’s Now Mandatory to Microchip Your Dog in the United Kingdom. Are Humans Next?:
If it’s such good idea, why must it be mandatory? The government in the United Kingdom has just claimed further ownership of your dog.
In a new law, the Crown has granted her subjects the privilege to own a dog but only if the beast is microchipped. That’s right, microchipping dogs is now mandatory throughout the United Kingdom.
Read moreIt’s Now Mandatory to Microchip Your Dog in the United Kingdom. Are Humans Next?
– Death Row for Dogs: Second Dog Seized by Police Kept Caged for Two Years:
United Kingdom — U.K. police have been operating a Death Row for dogs after two reports emerged in less than a week that they kept two animals caged for years without human contact or exercise. A report on Monday revealed that Stella, a pit-bull terrier, was kept in a tiny kennel for two years after being seized from her owner by Devon & Cornwall police in 2014.
A kennel worker revealed that staff were under strict instructions not to exercise dogs held under the Dangerous Dogs Act. She added that Stella had only left her cage twice in two years for assessments. The revelations have caused outrage among the public, and even prompted a rescue offer from a U.S. pit bull sanctuary.
Read moreDeath Row for Dogs: Second Dog Seized by Police Kept Caged for Two Years
– Police Chief Resigns After Caging Family’s Puppy and Killing it at Shooting Range:
Sparta, MO — Police Chief Andrew Spencer resigned this week after it was revealed that he shot and killed an innocent dog that was in a cage and meant no one any harm. To make matters even worse, he took the puppy to a firing range and killed it there because he did not want to deal with finding its home.
Spencer found the dog and managed to get it into a cage using a catcher pole. He then wrote in his report that he had planned to take the dog to a shelter where it would be “destroyed,” but then he got another call about a car accident so he decided to do it himself.
Read morePolice Chief Resigns After Caging Family’s Puppy and Killing it at Shooting Range
Jun 9, 2015
Rescuing a dog from a life of cruelty
FYI: Amazing videos (sadly only in German) on how to treat dogs are down below.
Dogs live in the NOW, unlike humans, who often tend to constantly blame their past and everybody else for bloody everything.
Dogs just want to live and even the worst dog can be turned around with some help and start a new wonderful life, like this puppy.
– Animal Farm and the Archonic Abuse Paradigm (Zen Gardner, April 17, 2015):
This has been bothering me for some time. We have neighbors who treat their dogs horribly. They don’t beat them, but their indifference and neglect is heartrending. It’s not the norm in this country, as most dogs are free to roam most of the time and cared for in loving homes. Neglected animals are often adopted and lost pets are usually taken to the local vet who knows just about every animal and their owner in the area. Very kind and caring.
I know this for a fact as I found a lost pup and took it to her and she looked at it, recognized the markings on its tail, and excitedly said “I know where this dog lives!” She got on her phone and called them and they came and got their pup, just like that.
– Government-run animal control now kidnapping and murdering family pets in America if owners don’t pay ransom demands (Natural News, April 6, 2015):
As yet another sign of the emerging police state brutality taking place across America, government-run animal control “mafias” (i.e. your local animal control department) are now murdering family pets if those families don’t pay the ransom demands.
In essence, animal control departments are now running kidnap and ransom operations, holding family pets ransom for fines and fees that, if not paid, result in those family pets being murdered.
Don’t believe me? To my great surprise, this story comes from none other than CNN Money, which published this detailed report that outlines the animal murder operations taking place across America.
Posted because of this:
“Not providing structure and rules
Dogs want, need, and love having rules. You might think having strict rules makes life boring or unhappy for your dog. But dogs really want to know what’s what according to their leader. And really, it’s not so hard to relate as humans. Children thrive when they have a consistent set of rules to follow, and they do less well in environments that provide them a free-for-all. Think about polite, well-balanced kids you know, and the spoiled kids who lack social skills or throw temper tantrums when they don’t get what they want. Which set of kids are the ones with consistently enforced rules and boundaries? And which set tends to be most consistently happy? With dogs, it’s pretty much the same thing. Rules make life a lot more predictable, a lot less confusing and a lot less stressful.”
Children need boundaries to feel secure and to grow roots. And you have to have roots to be able to grow wings.
– 11 things humans do that dogs hate (Mother Nature Network, July 25, 2014):
There are many ways you can drive a dog nuts — and you probably aren’t even aware of them. So if you want to be your dog’s best friend, find out how you can fix your annoying habits
Dogs try to be our best friends, but boy do we ever make it difficult sometimes. Here are some of the things we do that might make dogs question whether they want to remain best buds or cut ties completely
Using words more than body language
– Siberian ‘Hachiko’ dog allowed to stay in hospital where owner died 1 yr ago (RT, Dec 28, 2014):
The holiday spirit is alive and well in a hospital in Siberia, where Masha, Russia’s own ‘Hachiko’ dog was given permanent residence status. For a whole year the loyal pet kept ‘dogging’ the hospital, waiting for her owner who had passed away.
Despite a number of attempts to have Masha adopted, the heartbroken pooch kept running away and coming back to the Novosibirsk District Hospital Number One, where she last saw her owner in December, 2013.
Read moreSiberian ‘Hachiko’ dog allowed to stay in hospital where owner died 1 yr ago
“Life is an echo, what you send out comes back.”
– Chinese Proverb
– Oklahoma Cop Shoots, Kills Family’s Dog, Says it Was ‘Awesome’ (Infowars, March 21, 2014):
“Did you see her collar fly off when I shot her? That was awesome!”
An Oklahoma police officer shot and killed a family’s dog and later laughed about it to a responding animal control unit, reports claim.
On Wednesday, Ardmore resident Sarah Jo Ellen Brown reportedly arrived home to news that her family’s pit bull dog “Cali” was dead.
Read moreOklahoma Cop Shoots, Kills Family’s Dog, Says it Was ‘Awesome’
– Scientists ‘Alarmed’ and ‘Puzzled’: Hundreds of sea turtles washing up dead on Pacific coast — Dogs “stopped breathing and died almost instantly” when eating them — Researchers analyzing toxicity — Many with reproductive problems (ENENews, Nov 12, 2013):
AFP, Nov. 12, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Hundreds of sea turtles are washing up dead on the beaches of Central America and scientists don’t know why. One hypothesis is that the killer is a potent neurotoxin that can be produced by algae during red tides, […] What puzzles scientists is the fact that red tides have come and gone before without taking such a deadly toll on turtles. […] In El Salvador, for instance, from late September to the middle of October, 114 sea turtles were discovered dead on Pacific coast […] Scientists throughout Central America are alarmed […] The death toll elsewhere is high — 115 so far this year in Guatemala, 280 in Costa Rica and an undisclosed number in Nicaragua. Another 200 died in late 2012 in Panama. And in Nicaragua there is yet another problem: turtles showed up weeks late, at the end of September, to crawl up onto the beach and lay their eggs. […] In one area of El Salvador’s coast, dogs that started eating dead turtles stopped breathing and died almost instantly. […] in September scientists in Honduras said turtles on one beach laid 40 per cent fewer eggs. […]
… caused by Fukushima radiation.
– WSJ: Huge spike in dogs biting humans in Fukushima town; Some attacked without aggression, 70% to upper body — Study: May be associated with nuclear disaster — Gundersen: Research on animal defects hidden from public (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 1, 2013):
Wall St. Journal, Sept. 30, 2013: The Japanese study found that the number of dog bites was almost 30 times as great in one small city in the weeks following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster as in the previous year. […] About 70% of bites were to the upper body. […] A number of dogs attacked people without displaying any signs of aggression, the study found. This behavior may be due to hormonal changes or mental stress caused by intermittent aftershocks, researchers said. […] It isn’t known if dog bites were related to radiation exposure.
Read moreWSJ: Huge Spike In Dogs Attacking Humans In Fukushima Town
– Detroit Has Gone To The Dogs… Literally (ZeroHedge, Aug 23, 2013)
– China’s Animal Apocalypse Spreads To Dogs (ZeroHedge, April 17, 2013):
First it was floating dead pigs, then ducks, then black swans, then mass chicken exterminations, then fish, and now more pigs and also a brand new entrant to the Chinese animal apocalypse: dogs.
AP reports that hundreds more pigs have been found dead in China – this time together with dozens of dogs. ” A total of 410 pigs and 122 dogs were discovered in homes and at farms earlier this week in a village that comes under Yanshi city’s jurisdiction in central Henan province, authorities said Wednesday. The city’s propaganda office said that the deaths were being investigated but that they suspected they had to do with nearby chemical factories. The factories have been ordered to suspend production and help police with a criminal investigation into the incident, according to a report on a Henan provincial news website.”
One would assume that something is responsible for these mass animal deaths, and one of these years, not the propaganda office, but someone actually accountable (so not CNN) will report what it is. Although we are not holding our breath, which if one were to live in Beijing, would not be a bad idea.