– The mind-control qualities of Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, and Scott Pelley (Jon Rappoport, Dec 20, 2012):
In the wake of the Sandy Hook murders, I’ve been describing how the television coverage is a form of mind control.
Of course, it’s wall-to-wall mind control every day, no matter what stories the networks are focused on.
The best of the best mind control is applied by the three major network anchors: Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer.
They don’t do it as well as Cronkite, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, and Edward R Murrow once worked their magic, but they’re fairly good practitioners of the art. Brian Williams is the current champion.
Here are the qualities you need to rise to the top of the charts.
Read moreThe Mind-Control Qualities Of Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, And Scott Pelley