Former Head Of Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project Dr. Doug Rokke On Depleted Uranium (Video)



YouTube Added: 23.01.2009


Talk by Dr. Doug Rokke, former head of the Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project speaking about depleted uranium November 16, 2002 at University Baptist Church in Seattle.

Rosalie Bertell, PhD: Effects Of Depleted Uranium Inside The Human Body (Video)

YouTube Added: 19.07.2007


Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (PhD, biometrics)explains the effects of the weaponized DU on the people of Iraq and the planet. In subsequent parts of this series, Dr. Bertell offers readily-accessible ways to detox some heavy metals and poisons from the body.

Scientist Leuren Moret: Intentional Collapse And Takedown Of The USA – Depleted Uranium (Video)


YouTube Added: 11.02.2011

Fukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

If you take Vitamin C from Acerola and take it together with grapeseed powder or extract, then the protection that Vitamin C will give you will be 1000 times stronger.

Children who lost their hair from the Chernobyl radiation grew it back when supplemented with Spirulina.

Why is it that close to no website mentions all these wonderful, cheap and scientific proven supplements that protect people from radiation?

This list should be all over the internet:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

(The only thing wrong with this list is that it says that Lugols solution isn’t safe.)

Fukushima radiation cover-up continues – here’s how to protect yourself (Natural News, May 25, 2012):

It’s not just Fukushima, though that may be enough. The northern hemisphere especially had been inundated with radioactive fallout by atmospheric nuclear weapons testing from 1950 to 1963. The Nevada testing area alone produced 1200 nuclear explosions that emitted radioactive particles across the USA.

The Chernobyl incident in 1986 affected hundreds of thousands throughout Europe, Scandinavia, and Russia. The boom in nuclear reactor power plants had already started and was constantly increasing, along with considerable radiation leaking.

A 1996 international court interpretation of international treaties opened the door for widespread use of depleted uranium (DU) that had been prohibited for use as ammunition projectiles that could pierce armor. Tons of DU ammunition has been used in Bosnia and the Mideast since, leaving a radioactive mess that will last for life times.

Read moreFukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

Kids Of ‘The Iraqi Hiroshima’

Kids of “the Iraqi Hiroshima” (Vice, May 22, 2012)

See also:

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide (Veterans Today)

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide (Veterans Today)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011) (Veterans Today)

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons (Natural News):

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist.

“The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”

“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

U.S. And Israel Have Prepared Military Options To Attack Iran


US shipping hundreds of powerful bunker buster bombs for coming attack on Iran (March 14, 2010):

“They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran,” said Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London, co-author of a recent study on US preparations for an attack on Iran. “US bombers are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours,” he added.

From the Bloomberg article ( March 1, 2012):

” … sustained attacks with the Air Force’s 30,000-pound (13,608 kilograms) “Bunker-buster” bombs”

… that contain depleted (or even enriched uranium):

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … And The Fascist New World Order

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted & Enriched Uranium Weapons Use, Internal Emitters And Fukushima Radiation (Video)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)

Armed Forces Minister SORRY For Misleading MPs Over Depleted Uranium

The Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, And The Dying Children – US War Crimes Exposed (Documentary)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)

Prof. Chris Busby On RT: US Used ENRICHED URANIUM WEAPONS On Iraq (Video)

US War Crimes In Iraq, Using Depleted Uranium – Prof. Chris Busby: Fallujah DNA Damages Much, Much Worse Than Hiroshima

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist.

“The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”

“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

U.S. Talking Tougher About Iran as Netanyahu Visit Approaches (Bloomberg, Mar 1, 2012):

Obama administration officials are escalating warnings that the U.S. could join Israel in attacking Iran if the Islamic republic doesn’t dispel concerns that its nuclear-research program is aimed at producing weapons.

Four days before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to arrive in Washington, Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz told reporters the Joint Chiefs of Staff have prepared military options to strike Iranian nuclear sites in the event of a conflict.

“What we can do, you wouldn’t want to be in the area,” Schwartz told reporters in Washington yesterday.

Pentagon officials said military options being prepared start with providing aerial refueling for Israeli planes and include attacking the pillars of the clerical regime, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its elite Qods Force, regular Iranian military bases and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Pentagon plans are classified.

“There’s no group in America more determined to prevent Iran from achieving a nuclear weapon than the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Martin Dempsey told the House Budget Committee yesterday. “I can assure you of that.”

Separately, unnamed U.S. officials told the Washington Post that U.S. military planners are increasingly confident that sustained attacks with the Air Force’s 30,000-pound (13,608 kilograms) “bunker-buster” bombs could put Iran’s deeply buried uranium-enrichment plant at Fordo out of commission.

Read moreU.S. And Israel Have Prepared Military Options To Attack Iran

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide


FULL INTERVIEW: MP3: Leuren Moret & Chistopher Busby (The Real Deal):

NB: The mp3 link has been corrected with the February 2012 interview.

Part 1:

Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global Radiation Catastrophe, Part 1 (Veterans Today, Feb. 13, 2012)

Part 2:

Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global Radiation Catastrophe, Part 2 (Veterans Today, Feb. 23, 2012):

The 20th century proved to be a century of great advancement towards the centuries old goals of the ruling elite – global slavery and total control of the world’s resources.

Through the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Vatican, CIA and MI6, and the European Union (EU), and profiteering from the global drug economy – the ruling elite have developed their agenda to depopulate and remove independence from all countries and permit the aristocracies tyrannical rule from behind the military might of the United Nations (UN). Covert and overt nuclear wars are causing a catastrophic decline in the global population, funded by profiteering war mongering bankers, and politicians who authorized the use of genocidal nuclear weapons while investing in pharmaceutical companies to treat the epidemic of global illnesses caused by their nuclear weapons.

The recent skiing accident by Dutch Prince Friso, led to the exposure of the deep criminal activities of the Dutch and other aristocracies:  “Grim Tidings From the Netherlands: Prince Bernhard’s Grandchildren Continue Bilderberg Legacy”. For centuries, through the Dutch East India Company, the deep involvement of the Dutch crown in the global drug trade has now been exposed as the source of the Dutch monarchies tremendous wealth. As second son, Prince Friso was involved in many aspects of the development of technologies for total control of the human race from space (HAARP), was employed by Goldman Sachs (the Rothschild bankers), Wolfenson of the World Bank, and presently a uranium enrichment company. Despite being a homosexual, he married the former girlfriend of one of the top ten drug dealers (a Dutchman) in the world – with ties to Queen Beatrix (his mother) through her lawyer. The aristocracy likes to keep their enterprises “in the family””The Real Deal” Radio Show (February 3, 2012)

“The Real Deal” Radio Show (February 3, 2012)

Host: Jim Fetzer: James Fetzer Ph.D.

Dr. Busby: Christopher Busby, Ph.D.
Leuren Moret: Leuren Moret, B.S., M.A., PhD (ABD)

Editor’s Note: This transcription was prepared by William B. Fox, Publisher, America First Books, who also helped organize this interview. Let me add a special note of appreciation to Leuren Moret, who has done a brilliant job of providing the photos and graphs that accompany Part 1 and Part 2, which have substantially enhanced the presentation of the stunning information provided by her and Christopher Busby during this historic interview.  They both deserve our highest praise and commendation.

Hour Two

Dr. Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer, your host on “The Real Deal”, continuing my conversation with Leuren Moret, an independent geoscientist, who has done expert studies on Fukushima among her other research efforts, and Dr. Christopher Busby, visiting Biomedical Studies Professor at the University of Ulster, expert on the effects on what turns out to be enriched uranium in Iraq, and who has authored a new book in Japanese about the Fukushima disaster. Leuren, I know you have a number of things you would like to say.

Leuren Moret: Yes, in 2009 I was invited to my second War Crimes Conference in Malaysia by Tun Dr. Mahathir [former Prime Minister of Malaysia], and Chris was there in 2007. He did an absolutely wonderful, wonderful presentation. And my presentation in 2009 was titled “UN 2008 Report Evidence of Global Decline in Population and Fertility”. I put up two United Nations [UN] diagrams [Fig. 8, 10] from that report – their [UN] own report – that demonstrated that since 1986 all countries in the world, all regions in the world, have had declining populations and declining fertility.

Read moreInterview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … And The Fascist New World Order


Interview: MP3: Leuren Moret & Chistopher Busby (The Real Deal):

NB: The mp3 link has been corrected with the February 2012 interview.

Fallujah, Fukushima, & the Global Radiation Catastrophe, Part 1 (Veterans Today, Feb. 13, 2012):

A camel lies dead at the side of a road near the Saudi capital of Riyadh

by Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret and Christopher Busby

Over the past century, the American military has been transformed into the supreme global “military cop”, in large measure for the  financial benefit of the international banking cartel and transnational corporations.

This transformation is manipulated daily by the international financiers, also known as the Zionist Anglo-American “permanent war crimes racketeering syndicate”, which secures mineral resources in weaker countries and pumps vast quantities of drugs into the global market.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, the UK and China are partners in a hidden global drug economy with 5 times more money circulating than in the economy we know.

The cost of these military adventures since World War II, accelerated by the introduction of nuclear weapons, has been very high and may even lead to the extinction of our species.

Two million US soldiers and veterans since 1990 are medically disabled, dying homeless in the streets of America, with little help from the US government.

Poisoned with depleted uranium and the “smog of war”, soldiers are guaranteed a death sentence on the modern battlefield where a new form of nuclear Kabuki warfare has been secretly raging for more than twenty years.

The global effect of the resulting nuclear pollution has been a drastic increase in birth defects, infant mortality, and death rates across continents, regions and mountain ranges.

German Salt Mine Storage – the Sloppy Days

A stunning global decline in fertility and birth rates, with an increase in death rates, will result in the economic decline and loss of cultural and physical viability in countries, where the replacement birth rate is falling and populations are shrinking.

Elevated levels of uranium in Los Angeles drinking water were reported, and correlated with individual battles in the Middle East and Afghanistan during 2006-07.

Iran has one of the highest declines of fertility in the world, from 8+ children per woman before Chernobyl in 1986, to less than two children per woman by 2002, and continuing to decline over the past decade.

The astounding increase in Iranian deaths in 2006-07, was 3.6 million, a seemingly inexplained 4.7% drop in population in a single year.  In the same time period many thousands of camels died throughout the Middle East and North Africa, 5,000 alone in Saudi Arabia and no known cause.

Such a catastrophic and acute phenomenon in both humans and animals indicates an environmental cause.  Forensic evidence is now emerging that Iran has been the target of a covert nuclear war since 1990, carried out by the US and the UK from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran is not the real nuclear threat, which instead derives from  the US and Britain, who are partners in new forms of nuclear annihilation with the world’s population downwind.  Brace yourself for what you are about to learn.

“The Real Deal” Radio Show (February 3, 2012)

Host: Jim Fetzer: James Fetzer Ph.D.

Dr. Busby: Christopher Busby, Ph.D.
Leuren Moret: Leuren Moret, B.S., M.A., PhD (ABD)

Editor’s Note: This transcription was prepared by William B. Fox, Publisher, America First Books, who also helped organize this interview.

Hour One

Dr. Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer, your host on “The Real Deal” with a return engagement of two simply extraordinary guests I have had in the past. Leuren Moret, an independent geoscientist who has done expert studies on the Fukushima disaster and radiation problems around the world, including depleted uranium, and Dr. Christopher Busby, a visiting biomedical studies professor at the University of Ulster and the co-author of reports about the effects of depleted uranium — but it turns out to be enriched uranium — in Iraq, especially in Fallujah. Our interviews about this have been previously archived at Veterans Today, in particular under the heading of [hour one: “Catastrophic Effects of Radiation Contamination” and hour two:] “New Bombs and War Crimes in Fallujah” Leuren and Chris welcome to the show.

Dr. Christopher Busby: Yes, hello.

Leuren Moret: Thank you.

Dr. Fetzer: I am so pleased to have you both here today. I thought we would begin with Leuren giving us an update on what has been going on with Occupy Wall Street in Oakland and related issues, because it seems as though the government is using military-type tactics and weapons, some of which appear to be very sophisticated. Leuren, could you bring us up to date?

L. Moret: Well in October the Homeland Security, local law enforcement, the Oakland Police Department, which is the FBI COINTELPRO headquarters for northern California, and even troops from Bahrain in the Middle East practiced terrorism drills on the UC Berkeley campus. This was in October in anticipation of the Occupy movement. And so now we know they are including foreign troops in this too.

Dr. Fetzer: That is pretty bizarre, all by itself, Leuren, foreign troops in the United States. I think if the American people knew that, they would be outraged.

Fig. 1: ISRAEL’S ELITE SWAT TEAM WINS INTERNATIONAL URBAN SHIELD 2011 COMPETITIONFor the second consecutive year since Israel’s Police elite SWAT team, the “YaMaM,” has participated in the prestigious Urban Shield counter-terror competition in the USA, the YaMam has once again won first place.  Similar to last year’s impressive win, Israel’s accomplishment remains strangely, highly under-reported. The only mention of this impressive achievement is on the Facebook page for Israel’s police.  32 SWAT teams from the USA, the FBI and from other countries, participated in the non-stop 48 hour competition. The competition included counter-terror, dealing with serious crimes, hostage retrieval, and a variety of tactical and urban combat situations.   Source

L. Moret: Well people are pretty outraged here. And so then the Occupy movement, pretty much in California, started on the UC Davis campus which is one of the most conservative of the UC campuses because it has an agriculture history. And now this is really interesting, the new chancellor of UC Davis — I have two degrees from UC Davis — is a Greek woman, and she was involved in the student riots and protests in Greece, I have forgotten when it happened, maybe the 60?s or 70?s. And she is extremely conservative and she refused to even talk to the students. They were just sitting on the sidewalks in silence and in a park, and she ordered the UC Davis police to go down and pepper spray those protestors, so there are these great video clips – taken from cell phones – of this officer just walking up and down this line of maybe 30 or 50 students sitting with their heads down and their hands on their laps, and he just sprayed them in the face and all over their bodies with pepper spray.

Fig. 2: OCCUPY MOVEMENT AT U.C. DAVIS CAMPUS (Photo: REUTERS – Brian Nguyen) A University of California at Davis police officer pepper-sprays students during their sit-in at an “Occupy UCD” demonstration in Davis, California in this 18 November 2011 file photo. Source

And so the Occupy movement spread from there and we have had a lot of Occupy movement situations going on for the last couple of weeks in Oakland, California, which is across the San Francisco Bay from San Francisco.

Dr. Fetzer: Leuren, I have seen those videos of the campus police officer pepper-spraying those students, and it is completely stunning. They are totally passive.


L. Moret: Yes.

Dr. Fetzer: I am sure it violates all of the guidelines for the use of pepper spray. It is not only blatantly unethical, abusive of the students, but I am sure it is in violation of the law.

L. Moret: There was not even any justification for it.

Dr. Fetzer: No justification whatsoever.

L. Moret: And so what has happened as a result, is that the police presence and police force keeps getting ramped up with each one of these Occupy situations in different cities and campuses. And just on the weekend, that would be the end of January 2012, in Oakland they arrested 400 people. And then the demonstrators were marching through Oakland. They were going to occupy an empty building and the police have just increased their pressure to shut it down. And along with this is that there has been an increase in communications disruption, telephones, Internet, computers, with an increase in electromagnetic frequency (EMF) weapons used at all levels against everyone in various parts of the U.S. on the Occupy movement. And this was all funded by George Soros.

The whole Occupy movement in the U.S. is a George Soros project. And it is a continuation of the colored and flowered revolutions that he funded in Central Asia, then Eastern Europe, then North Africa, then the Middle East, and so basically the United States is being overthrown right now in a silent revolution funded by George Soros who is an agent for the City of London bankers. The Rothschilds.

Read moreInterview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … And The Fascist New World Order

From Gulf War I, Fully 75% Of Our Fighting Men Who Were On The Ground Are Now Dead, Dying, Or Sick From Depleted Uranium


Subtitle: The answer is a qualified “Yes!” American troops are beginning to show symptoms of Depleted Uranium poisoning, a situation being magnified by the heat in which they are operating. From Gulf War I, fully 75% of our fighting men who were on the ground are now dead, dying, or sick from Depleted Uranium.

Don’t miss:

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted & Enriched Uranium Weapons Use, Internal Emitters And Fukushima Radiation (Video):


Dr. Chris Busby interviewed 20th December 2011 by Theo Chalmers on Sky TV’s “One Step Beyond” about Fallujah, Fukushima and the cover-ups over the health effects of exposure to radioactivity.

More info:

Armed Forces Minister SORRY For Misleading MPs Over Depleted Uranium

The Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, And The Dying Children – US War Crimes Exposed (Documentary)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)

Prof. Chris Busby On RT: US Used ENRICHED URANIUM WEAPONS On Iraq (Video)

US War Crimes In Iraq, Using Depleted Uranium – Prof. Chris Busby: Fallujah DNA Damages Much, Much Worse Than Hiroshima

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist.

“The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”

“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby: ‘You Shouldn’t Go On A Business Trip To Japan’ – ‘Get Out Of Japan’ – ‘Run!’ – ‘I Would Get Out Of Tokyo’ (Video)

Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University:

‘If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.’

YouTube Added: 13.01.2012


Read moreProf. Dr. Chris Busby: ‘You Shouldn’t Go On A Business Trip To Japan’ – ‘Get Out Of Japan’ – ‘Run!’ – ‘I Would Get Out Of Tokyo’ (Video)

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted & Enriched Uranium Weapons Use, Internal Emitters And Fukushima Radiation (Video)

YouTube Added: 27.12.2011


Dr. Chris Busby interviewed 20th December 2011 by Theo Chalmers on Sky TV’s “One Step Beyond” about Fallujah, Fukushima and the cover-ups over the health effects of exposure to radioactivity.

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)


I wasn’t aware that these videos were uploaded on YouTube, or else I would have posted them a long time ago.

See also:

‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)


Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett’s father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer.

Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.

The Gerson Therapy:

Read moreThe Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

Armed Forces Minister SORRY For Misleading MPs Over Depleted Uranium


Armed forces minister sorry for misleading MPs over depleted uranium (Guardian, Nov. 14, 2011):

The armed forces minister has been forced to apologise over misleading statements he made regarding the legality and dangers of depleted uranium weapons.

Nick Harvey admitted that he had inadvertently misled MPs about a Ministry of Defence review that he said had concluded the weapons were permissible on humanitarian and environmental grounds under the Geneva conventions.

It subsequently emerged that the review had never happened, and Harvey has apologised for the error, which he said had been made “in good faith”. He has ordered that a review into the weapons’ legality be carried out by civil servants. The department is facing calls for the weapons to be suspended until it is completed.

The revelations come as a cross-party campaign is launched to pile pressure on the MoD to phase out the use of depleted uranium (DU). The tank shells that depend on it have to be renewed in 2013.

DU is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal produced as waste by the nuclear power industry that is included in weapons because it is an extremely hard material capable of piercing armour. Once the frontline has moved on, however, it can contaminate the environment, and has been linked to health problems in civilian populations.

The British army fired shells containing 2.3 tonnes of DU during the Gulf wars in 1990-91 and 2003. DU is used to harden ‘Charm3’ armour-piercing shells carried by British Challenger tanks.

In 1998 the UK government ratified additional protocol 1 of the Geneva conventions. Article 36 of that requires that all weapons are subject to a legal review to assess whether they are “capable of being used discriminately”, or cause “widespread and severe damage to the natural environment”.

In the past few years anti-DU campaigners have repeatedly been assured by the MoD that DU weapons had undergone such a review and been cleared. Most recently, on 10 October, Harvey wrote to the Labour MP Katy Clark saying that “the conclusions of the original legal weapons review on Charm3 are extant”, and that “DU can be used within weapons”.

But when Clark then asked to see the review, Harvey said it did not actually exist. “A subsequent search of departmental records has failed to find any such review,” he told her on 26 October. “Though incorrect, the statement in my letter was made in good faith on the advice of officials, and I apologise for the error.”

Harvey added: “In the circumstances, and given the concerns that have been expressed over DU, I have directed that a legal review should be carried out to establish the position clearly.”

Clark accused the MoD of misleading the public, and demanded a public apology. “Compliance with the Geneva conventions has been used to reassure people on the legality of DU weapons, however no review has taken place to ensure that the munitions used by UK armed forces meet the conventions’ criteria,” she said. “I am pleased that the government has stated that a review will now take place and believe it should use this opportunity to carry out a detailed study into the long term impact of DU use.”

Read moreArmed Forces Minister SORRY For Misleading MPs Over Depleted Uranium

The Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, And The Dying Children – US War Crimes Exposed (Documentary)

YouTube Added: 21.08.2011

The film exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the current war against Iraq. The story is told by citizens of many nations.

It opens with comments by two British veterans, Kenny Duncan and Jenny Moore, describing their exposure to radioactive, so-called depleted uranium (DU), weapons and the congenital abnormalities of their children.

Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, a former colleague of Albert Schweitzer, and Tedd Weyman of the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) traveled to Iraq, from Germany and Canada respectively, to assess uranium contamination in Iraq.

Read moreThe Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, And The Dying Children – US War Crimes Exposed (Documentary)

US War Crimes In Iraq, Using Depleted Uranium – Prof. Chris Busby: Fallujah DNA Damages Much, Much Worse Than Hiroshima

You Tube Added: 04.02.2011

Read moreUS War Crimes In Iraq, Using Depleted Uranium – Prof. Chris Busby: Fallujah DNA Damages Much, Much Worse Than Hiroshima

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)


NEW BOMBS AND WAR CRIMES IN FALLUJAH (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011):

HEAVY FIRE POWER WAS USED IN FALLUJAH IN 2004: U.S. Marines fire Nov. 11, 2004, on Fallujah with a 155 mm Howitzer. One of the weapons originally designed for this artillery piece was a tactical nuclear weapon (that could include a neutron warhead) designed by Samuel Cohen, to be fired in eastern Europe on Soviet troops during President Ronald Reagan’s term in office. [Photo: Lance Cpl. Samantha L. Jones]

Heavy firepower was used in Fallujah in 2004

On Friday, 28 October 2011, it was my honor to host Leuren Moret and Christopher Busby as my guests on “The Real Deal”, an internet radio program broadcast on M/W/F from 5-7 PM/CT over Leuren Moret is an independent geoscientist who has done expert studies on the Fukushima disaster, radiation problems around the world including depleted uranium. Dr. Christopher Busby is a visiting biomedical studies professor at the University of Ulster and is the co-author of reports about the effects of depleteed uranium in Iraq especially in relation to Fallujah. What Busby found much to his surprise was not DU but enriched uranium instead.

The interview was extraordinary on many counts. During the first hour, Leuren reported on the lastest research about Fukushima and laid out a background for understanding the issues that she and Busby and I would discuss during the second hour. It has become apparent from Busby’s research that a new kind of bomb–which seems to be a neutron bomb–has been used in Fallujah, but also in other areas, including Lebanon. As though that discovery were not astonishing enough, listening to him, it struck me that this same weapon may have been used to destroy the Twin Towers, an explanation for which has remained elusive and where alternative theories about the possible use of mini-nukes, directed energy weaponry, and other causal mechanisms have been widely discussed–or, in some cases, actually suppressed.

So there are linkages of evidence and causation that tie together the commission of war crimes in Iraq with mechanisms of destruction that may have brought about the near-total conversion of two massive, 500,000 ton buildings into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust. We know that nanothermite does not have the capacity to bring about these effects, even though it has many staunch advocates. So what we have to learn from Christopher Busby may not only expose the existence of a new weapon of mass destruction but also provide a key to understanding what happened on 9/11. The transcription of the second hour of the program (published here) was done by Jeannon Kralj, to whom we are indebted for the excellence of her work. The images and captions were courtesy of Leuren Moret. I plan to have the first hour published tomorrow and will provide a link to the audio file as soon as it becomes available, which it has just become.

The Real Deal Radio Show (28 October 2011)

Host: Jim Fetzer: James Fetzer Ph.D.


Dr. Busby: Christopher Busby, Ph.D.

Leuren Moret: Leuren Moret B.S., M.A., PhD (ABD)

HOUR TWO (transcribed by Jeannon Kralj)

Jim Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer, your host on “The Real Deal”, continuing my conversation with Leuren Moret and now we have been joined by Professor Christopher Busby who is a visiting biomedical studies professor at the University of Ulster and is the co-author of reports about the effects of depleteed uranium in Iraq especially in relation to Fallujah.

Chris, welcome to “The Real Deal”.

Read moreNew (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)