– Catholic Church paid $276m to sex abuse victims in Australia
H/t reader squodgy:
“Richer than you think.”
Paid directly from Satan’s petty cash.
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Catholic Church paid $276m to sex abuse victims in Australia
H/t reader squodgy:
“Richer than you think.”
Paid directly from Satan’s petty cash.
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– Progressive Cardinal: Illegal Migrants Should Be Allowed to Enter Europe:
The Cardinal Of Cologne Rainer Woelki has declared that Germany must have a new migrant policy and that policy should include allowing illegal migrants to bypass the law when entering Europe.
Cardinal Woelki is known for his exceptionally pro-migrant stance in the German city of Cologne. The Cardinal has been an advocate of mass migration of people from North Africa and the Middle East and has now claimed that the current migration system isn’t working. He believes that the best way to prevent deaths in the Mediterranean, which he calls “the sea of the dead,” is to allow the safe passage of illegal migrant boats into Europe reports Cologne paper Kölner-Stadt Anzeiger.
Read moreProgressive Cardinal: Illegal Migrants Should Be Allowed to Enter Europe
The Pope says that ISIS’ conquest of the Middle East is just like Jesus sending out his disciples.
I must have missed that bible chapter where Jesus’ disciples behead people, force them into sex slavery and make them pay a tax on pain of death if they refuse to convert.
H/t reader kevin a.
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The Pope is a political prostitute who is betraying Christianity and selling out the principles of freedom.
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– Pope Calls Anti-Mass Immigration Journalism a ‘Form of Terrorism’:
(Reuters) – Journalism based on gossip or rumours is a form of “terrorism” and media that stereotype entire populations or foment fear of migrants are acting destructively, Pope Francis said on Thursday.
Francis, who made his comments in an address to leaders of Italy’s national journalists’ guild, said reporters had to go the extra mile to seek the truth, particularly in an age of round-the-clock news coverage.
Read morePope Calls Anti-Mass Immigration Journalism a ‘Form of Terrorism’
– Pope Francis: Hospitality to Refugees Is ‘Our Greatest Security’ Against Terrorism:
Pope Francis has urged Europeans to take in more refugees, asserting that the best way to combat terrorism is by warmly welcoming migrants and helping them integrate into the “European context.”
In a meeting with hundreds of alumni of Jesuit schools in the Vatican on Saturday, Francis told his hearers that authentic hospitality “is our greatest security against hateful acts of terrorism.”
– Catholic hospital turns away woman bleeding from dislodged IUD because church opposes birth control:
Chicago-area woman who showed up at her doctor’s office in pain and bleeding from a dislodged IUD was told that nothing could be done because his practice was affiliated with a Catholic hospital network which opposes birth control.
According to Rewire, Melanie Jones, 28, slipped in her bathroom causing her copper IUD to shift and stab her internally. After getting an appointment to see her doctor, she was told that his “hands were tied” and he couldn’t help her due to restrictions placed upon him and other providers in the Mercy Hospital and Medical Center system.
“I think my first feeling was shock,” Jones said in an interview. “I thought that eventually they were going to recognize that my health was the top priority.”
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– Pope Francis Invites 21 Syrian Migrants to Lunch:
In a show of solidarity with migrants, Pope Francis invited 21 Syrian refugees to lunch on Thursday at his residence at the Casa Santa Marta in Vatican City.
The Pope brought twelve of these migrants back to Rome on the papal plane after his visit to the Greek island of Lesbos last April. During that trip, Francis told his hearers that “we are all migrants” as he greeted the many asylum-seekers awaiting word regarding the processing of their cases.
The Vatican brought a second group of Syrian refugees to Rome in mid-June, also at the Pope’s invitation. Two of the nine refugees are Christians.
– German bishop: Axe attack by Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” “cannot be understood”:
By you, maybe, Bishop Hofmann. But sane people see quite clearly what is happening. When a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and affiliated with the Islamic State attacks non-Muslims with an axe, it’s just another episode in the global jihad against Infidels. And contrary to the fond hopes and fantasies that prevail in the Vatican, and in the Catholic Church in general these days, no amount of “dialogue” is going to end this jihad that Hofmann and his ilk so determinedly ignore.
“Bishop of Würzburg left ‘speechless’ after axe attack on train passengers,” Catholic Herald, July 19, 2016:
Read moreGerman bishop: Axe attack by Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” “cannot be understood”
– Vatican offers ‘time off purgatory’ to followers of Pope Francis tweets:
In its latest attempt to keep up with the times the Vatican has married one of its oldest traditions to the world of social media by offering “indulgences” to followers of Pope Francis’ tweets.
The church’s granted indulgences reduce the time Catholics believe they will have to spend in purgatory after they have confessed and been absolved of their sins.
The remissions got a bad name in the Middle Ages because unscrupulous churchmen sold them for large sums of money. But now indulgences are being applied to the 21st century.
Read moreAnd Now: Vatican Offers ‘Time Off Purgatory’ To Followers Of Pope Francis Tweets
– Pope calls for compassion for refugees, takes three families back to Italy:
MYTILENE, Greece —Pope Francis on Saturday took three refugee families back with him on his plane to Rome following an emotional and provocative visit to the Greek island of Lesbos that seemed designed to prick Europe’s conscience over its treatment of refugees.
The pope boarded his Alitalia jet along with 12 Syrians from three families, all of whom had had their houses bombed and are seeking refuge in Europe, according to Vatican spokesman the Rev. Thomas Rosica. There were six children among them. Rosica said the families, all of whom are Muslim, would be cared for at the Vatican.
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– In Holy Rite, Pope Welcomes Migrants:
Pope Francis washes and kisses the feet of Muslim, Christian and Hindu refugees
CASTELNUOVO DI PORTO, Italy— Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Christian and Hindu refugees Thursday and declared them all children of the same God, as he performed a gesture of welcome and brotherhood at a time of increased anti-Muslim sentiment following the Brussels attacks.
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H/t reader squodgy:
“Cardinal George Pell disappeared to hide in the Vatican after too many questions about Church abuse of children in Ballarat, Oz were being asked by families.
He has hidden there since, claiming he isn’t well.”
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