Infinite Unknown reader M. M. donated €20,00!
Thank you so much for your support!
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
Infinite Unknown reader M. M. donated €20,00!
Thank you so much for your support!
Infinite Unknown reader E. G. donated €20,00!
Thank you so much for your support!
Infinite Unknown reader S. W. donated €20,00!
Infinite Unknown reader S. M. donated €100,00!
Thank you so much for your support!
Infinite Unknown reader G. I. donated another € 10,00.
Thank you so much!
🙂 Thank you for your support! 🙂
Also a big thank you to all my other readers that support Infinite Unknown by starting their Amazon sessions via the links above the donate button.
May 2012 is the best month so far!
The Hurom Slow Juicer has won several international awards and unlike cheap high speed juicers it will not destroy the enzymes in your food.
It is the fastest slow juicer out there.
More here:
– The Hurom Juicer Is The Best Juicer Out There … And Easily Beats The Green Star Juicer (Video)
Soon your body will vibrate with energy, but before it will use the huge amount of energy and nutrients from vegetable and fruit juices to detoxify and heal itself from all kinds of diseases and ailments.
If you have seen this documentary, …
… then you’ll get an idea what the Hurom Juicer will do for you.
More info here: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (Documentary – Extended Trailer)
Infinite Unknown reader G. I. donated € 10,00.
🙂 Thank you! 🙂
Donations in 2012 so far: ZERO
Again I want to thank all readers that have supported Infinite Unknown by starting their Amazon sessions via the Amazon links above the donate button and bought books or other items.
Thank you!
There has been only one very generous donation in 2011.
Donations in 2011 = € 100
I also want to thank all readers that have supported Infinite Unknown by starting their Amazon sessions via the Amazon links above the donate button and bought books or other items.
Thank you!
I wish all my readers a Happy New Year!
“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”
– Lao Tzu“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”
– Buddha“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
– Thomas Jefferson“Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.”
– Thomas Paine“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
YouTube Added: 19.12.2011
W. C. € 100
Thank you so much!!!
This is the first contribution in 2011.
I also want to thank all readers that have supported Infinite Unknown by starting their Amazon sessions via the Amazon links above the donate button and bought books or other items.
Thank you!
Donations in 2010:
€2 TF
You are the only one that donated in 2010.
Thank you for your support.
I also want to thank all readers that have supported Infinite Unknown by buying books etc. via Amazon.
Hoster: shared box. disk failed and fucked up whole raid array. we have to setup new box and move data to it. and we’re in the middle of that process. I’m sorry but shit happens from time to time.
… and there was so much going on in the world.
I will give you an update tonight. 🙂
I will be traveling for the next 4 weeks, starting today.
I will post whenever it is possible for me to do so.
– Infinite Unknown
LH has donated 405 Euro.
Thank you so much!
Here I also want to thank those of you that have purchased books, external hard drives, headphones etc. through the Amazon links (above the donate button).
If you start your Amazon sessions through those links, then you are supporting Infinite Unknown and your support is much appreciated.