– 39% Of South African Gold Production Is Now Offline (ZeroHedge, Sep 26, 2012):
Over a month ago, when discussing the implications of the South African miner strike that will not end until all local mining companies’ income statements are crippled after succumbing to wage hike demands, we said “Expect more South African mines to shutter, as gold production in the world’s third largest gold producer grinds to a halt, and the local workers grasp they had the leverage all along. Should the South African example spread to other countries, then expect the price of gold to soar regardless of how much printing the central planners engage in the coming weeks and month.” Today, we find out just what the final tally is , as this too prediction is proven correct: “Strikes at South African gold mines have shut about 39 percent of capacity, including at AngloGold (AGG) Ashanti Ltd. and Gold Fields Ltd. (GFI), as unofficial walkouts spread across the country in demand of above-inflation pay increases.” And boom: “AngloGold, the world’s third-largest gold producer, today said all of its South African mines have been halted. Gold Fields Ltd. also lost a metric ton, or about 32,000 ounces, of production after strikes at its KDC and Beatrix operations.” That’s ok, Bernanke will just print more gold.Nobody could have foreseen the complete collapse in South African mining production.
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