– Sperm Count Has Declined Almost 50% In Men Across The Globe In Recent Decades
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
they FORGET TO MENTION THE poisoning from other sources, mainly by the bio-weapon-pharma and big food industries linked to eugenicists like Bill gates.
“Vaccines” of course which are causing other diseases like autism, Alzheimer, dementia and many other problems but not only.
EMF, electromagnetic radiation, microwave, with the advent and imposition by force and stealth of 5G is killing not only people but fauna and flora starting by insects like bees.
Not mentioning Geo-engineering and chem trails spraying toxic chemicals and nano particles all over the planet.
This is not a coincidence. The goal of globalist crime syndicates like the UN, WHO, WEF is depopulation on a massive scale and their ‘SDG” agenda 2030 are just global plans to depopulate, grab resources and enslave humanity.
The trillionaires and billionaires behind these captured organizations also own the corporations poisoning the planet, the soils, the water reserves, the air, our food and us.