Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money, ‘Too Late’ to Stop Hyperinflation & The Great Reset – Lynette Zang (KITCO NEWS Video)

H/t reader Squodgy:

“I think that whilst there isn’t much in the way of complete concurrence yet, there is much overlap between most of the consistently realistic forecasters like Lynette Zang, Gerald Celente & Bill Holter, who talk to us at our level, which plebs like me can relate to when trying to grasp what’s happening.

Here’s a good interview where the young host, Michelle Makori, actually asks the questions I understand, want and relate to.

The only conclusions are that a) we are all frogs slowly simmering in the pot b) we should all be debt free, including Credit Cards c) the ‘system’ is disintegrating NOW, but they won’t keep us in the loop d) we really are on our own e) unprepared ostrichitis will lead to the same pit of despair the dumb are headed to. f) the deadline for realisation & unrest is very close as protests expecting morally & financially corrupt and bankrupt Governments to support them, is increasing as inversely as economies sink.”


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