International Energy Agency (IEA): Europe Will Have To Cut Gas Usage By Nearly One-Third

IEA: Europe Will Have To Cut Gas Usage By Nearly One-Third:

In the first quarter of next year, the countries of the European Union will have to cut their usage of natural gas by up to 30% in preparation for a complete stoppage of Russian gas flows, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). 

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Caitlin Johnstone: Empire To Expand NATO In Response To War Caused By NATO Expansion

Empire To Expand NATO In Response To War Caused By NATO Expansion:

…this proxy war is being waged not with the intention of saving Ukrainian lives… but with the intention of creating a costly, gruelling military quagmire to weaken Russia on the world stage


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Today’s Update… What’s Behind the Worldwide Drop in Birth Rates, Nine Months After the Vaccination Rollouts to Younger People?

– Today’s Update: What’s Behind the Worldwide Drop in Birth Rates, Nine Months After the Vaccination Rollouts to Younger People?:

A number of commentators have recently posted articles on significant falls around the world in reported live births during the first months of 2022.

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Kids as Young as Four Can Now Change Gender in Scottish Schools Without Parental Consent

Kids as Young as Four Can Now Change Gender in Scottish Schools Without Parental Consent:

Children in Scotland as young as four years old are now able to change their names and genders at schools without requiring parental consent, The Telegraph reported.

A 70-page document issued on Thursday states that under new LGBTQ+ inclusivity guidelines created by the Scottish government, teachers are now urged not to question their students if they indicate a wish to transition genders. Instead, teachers are urged to ask for the students’ new names and pronouns.

Along with these guidelines, schools have been told that transgender students should use whatever bathroom or locker room they prefer. The creation of more gender-neutral uniforms and inclusion of transgender characters in lessons and reading materials are being developed.

John Swinney, the deputy first minister, said in a statement in July that Scotland is already considered one of the most progressive nations in Europe.


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UK Column News (29th June 2022 – Video)



Google translation:

I look around and see my home disappear My time at home now feels far too short Only youth, hardly a man when duty called me If I get to see my home again, I do not know Among relatives from my village, I went out to battle And the world burned

For the war it can Destroy a man I give my life for my homeland But who misses me? So see me as it A husband, a friend Father and son never coming home But who mourns me?

Went out in battle for Sweden, was baptized in blood Out there, death awaits, not heroism In fields where relatives fall, no song is heard Challenges our destinies, once again

Far from home Be baptized and die in battle

And the world burned

For the war it can Destroy a man I give my life for my homeland But who misses me? So see me as it A husband, a friend Father and son never coming home But who mourns me?

And when my time has run out Who cares then? They are struggling Does a soldier get a dignified end? Get to sleep Disappear And never wake up

For the war it can Destroy a man I give my life for my homeland But who misses me? So see me as it A husband, a friend Father and son never coming home But who mourns me?


======== En Livstid I Krig LYRICS =======

Jag ser mig om och ser mitt hem försvinna bort
Min tid där hemma känns nu alldeles för kort
Blott ungdom, knappt en man då plikten kallade mig
Om jag får se mitt hem igen det vet jag ej
Bland fränder från min by så drog jag ut i strid
Och världen brann

För kriget det kan
Förgöra en man
Jag ger mitt liv för mitt fosterland
Men vem saknar mig?
Så se mig som den
En make, en vän
Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem
Men vem sörjer mig?

Gick ut i strid för Sverige, blev döpt i blod
Där ute väntar döden, inte hjältemod
I fält där fränder faller, hörs ingen sång
Utmanar våra öden, ännu en gång

Långt hemifrån
Döpas och dö i strid

Och världen brann

För kriget det kan
Förgöra en man
Jag ger mitt liv för mitt fosterland
Men vem saknar mig?
Så se mig som den
En make, en vän
Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem
Men vem sörjer mig?

Och när min tid har runnit ut
Vem bryr sig då?
De kämpar på
Får en soldat ett värdig slut?
Få somna in
Försvinna bort
Och aldrig vakna

För kriget det kan
Förgöra en man
Jag ger mitt liv för mitt fosterland
Men vem saknar mig?
Så se mig som den
En make, en vän
Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem
Men vem sörjer mig?

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