1 thought on “Economic World War: Who Benefits And How Much Time Is Left?”

  1. Always liked Brandon Smith’s eloquence & reasoning.

    As more log on to the reality, the chances of doing something to stop this destruction & turn back to the way we like, will grow, hopefully towards the hundredth monkey.

    Alex Jones woke thousands up twenty years ago with the ‘911 was an inside job’ mantra, but it seems that for joe bigmac the dot joining stopped there after the 911 Commission Report whitewashed even the most incriminating evidence, just as the Warren Report on JFK did.
    Even as the 2008 crash unfolded, no dots were joined, and once again we we’e being herded into another corrall in the incremental process of achieving world control for the few.
    Now we’re definitely in the last stages of their plan and still so many slumber till it’s just too late.


    All the average Joe wants is to be left alone to get on with his/her life, and can’t see that will not be allowed soon.


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