10 thoughts on “England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions”

  1. IMHO this is another psyop.
    The persistent silence as the CoVid plandemic narrative disintegrates, speaks volumes.
    On the face of it we now know the plandemic was a cover for economic and social collapse to facilitate a bolshekike take over. That plan is now well advanced, and has been successfully shrouded with furlough and work avoidance schemes, leading to a stealthy economic disintegration throughout the western world.
    Oz proves the issue is nothing to do with CoVid, so England patching itself up with bullshit rectifications on a none virus plandemic MUST be a PSYOP hiding the next phase in the plan which I think will be the continued society collapse based on the divide & conquer of the Vaxxed v the unvaxxed, whilst the real economic collapse will bring the projected Civil War to fuel the festering unrest., added to by Kissinger’s mantra of food control and shortages.
    The big question is the level of the awakening and the extent of the vax injuries and deaths. I think that revelation will point the thinking un-masked to the proper conclusion and bring about co-operation, compassion and retribution in the form of gallows/stocks for those quizlings and instigators.


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