Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 17th, 2021

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 17th, 2021:

Sunday… And time once again form my weekend rant..

I am indeed under the weather right now, so bear with me for this one…

Damn it, but I hate coming down with what is either a winter cold or a bout of seasonal Influenza… I have been taking care of myself especially a lot more this winter just to be more healthy and fit and not have people gasp in terror if they see me coughing thinking that I have this non-existent ‘deadly virus’ called ‘COVID-19’….BUT of course with my constant battle with my sinuses and how they do flare up this time of year, I am very susceptible to a lot of colds and other real respiratory troubles… And yes, I take Vitamins D and C constantly… The good news is that thanks to my regimen of taking better care of myself these days, these bouts of cold do pass a lot more quickly in spite of my advancing age…

And there is NO WAY in hell that I will be going to be ‘tested’ just because I have a nasty head cold… I will not allow some asshole to shove a 6 inch cattle prod up my nose to scrape the back of my nasal passageway to get some ‘material’ that some other asshole will over cycle in the fraud ‘PCR test’ and then falsely claim me to be ‘positive’ for a virus that still has never been isolated to this day and therefore does NOT exist… Fuck that nonsense…

But I am so alarmed these days when I see right here in Manitoba some 2200 SUCKERS on average going out on a daily basis STILL to line up at those ludicrous ‘testing centres’ and subject themselves to the fraud ‘PCR testing’…. But is this not exactly what the criminals in charge of this entire lie want??? They are so dependent now on the false positive results from those false tests just to drive up their ‘numbers’ and use those numbers as their continuing means of scaring the gullible out there into submission…

The scariest part in all of this scam-demic nonsense is of course the ‘vaccines’… But with the knowledge now that these foul poisons are NOT even ‘vaccines’ by that very definition, but actually genetic modifying devices, that honestly scares the shit out of me as it should everyone else…. And knowing now that the pricks behind Pfizer, Moderna, and even AstraZeneca, had these poisons under development for the last decade alone and now released them to be injected into the population with ZERO real controls and ZERO real testing, should have a lot of people thinking twice about allowing this shit shot up into their bodies..

But NOOOOO… All I hear these days in my travels amongst the zombies wearing their foul face diapers is “I want the vaccines as soon as possible” along with the grand illusion of “Once I get my injection, things will return to normal for me”…. Honestly, how brain dead and stupid are the morons out there these days? But all we have to turn to is the incessant propaganda pushed by the lying whores in the media for the answer….

And yes, how the fuck can anyone take it any more when they turn on their TALMUDVISIONS along with their radios, and other ‘media outlets’ and all they still hear now 15 months into this entire scam-demic fraud is ‘Pandemic’…”Pandemic”… and more “Pandemic”….. Heck even when I turn on the sports channels to catch up on Soccer scores, those ‘sports announcing’ media whores are mentioning ‘pandemic’ at LEAST 10 times in a 1/2 hour telecast… It does prove the theory that if you tell a lie long enough, people will believe it to be true….. And yes, the brainwashing is indeed this powerful and does continue unabated…

I could not help but notice in the media these last few days the reports about how the city of Toronto, which is of course some 1400 miles east of here, the real central Canada, that the criminal scoundrel in charge of Ontario, that heinous Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, did indeed put that entire metropolis of over 7 million people into a pure state of mayhem by placing the entire city into a horrendous state of lockdown and total restriction that has never been seen before anywhere across Canada… And all this due to the false reports of a major ‘outbreak’ in Toronto that were mostly based upon nursing home deaths that were guaranteed mostly due to INFLUENZA..

Honestly, what has happened in Toronto, due to this fraudulent ‘deadly virus’ that does not even exist, is hell on Earth for the citizens stuck living there, and it is no wonder that the people have taken to the streets in protests against these draconian measures…. And here I thought things were bad enough here in Manitoba, with the horrible restrictions, but these have been tame compared to the measures taken by the criminal scumbags in Ontario…. But with most of the citizens in Ontario actually ‘accepting’ their enslavement, there still has been little outcry from the general populace and in spite of the protests in the streets, there will be ZERO action taken by the criminal Ontario government to end the state of siege against their own citizens…

Well, what is next for the pricks in charge of this scam-demic? Honestly, I see even more hell on Earth for everyone as the lying whores in the media are now upping the ante by putting out reports after reports about these new ‘variations’ of their fraud ‘deadly virus’… I have seen at least a 1/2 dozen reports this last week alone where the new ‘variants’ from places such as the UK, South Africa, and even parts of Asia, are now “in Canada” and that ‘cases’ of this new ‘more virulent’ version of this bullshit ‘deadly virus’ are spreading rapidly across the country…. What this all means of course is that the pricks in charge have their ‘trick up their sleeve’ ready to go to cause even more lockdowns and restrictions against the general public to ‘extend’ this entire scam-demic for the next few months at least….

Someone asked me last week what I see as the long term goal in all of this ‘scam-demic’ and the answer has been staring everyone in their faces for the last year… The criminals’ ‘Great Reset’ is the term being thrown out there for the lockdown and enslavement of the planet… The criminal so called ‘Elite’ have had their plans in the works for decades to see everyone put under their thumb permanently in a surveillance draconian dystopian world where personal freedoms and liberties are the thing of the past and where everyone will be nothing more than worker bees working for their criminal masters at the top forever… To ensure everyone’s compliance, they want us ALL ‘vaccinated’ of course with their mind destroying, genetically modifying concoctions that will indeed make us all NO LONGER HUMAN… That and there will indeed be a ‘culling’ of a lot of humans through the sterilization agents also in the ‘vaccines’ and the goal is to absolutely remove as much as 90% of the world population through a mass sterilization program disguised as ‘vaccines’…..OH YES, this is reality and fact, and it is damn time that people did wake the fuck up and see this is happening to us all right now…

Of course one of the methods to silence all opposition against the criminal goal of total world domination and control is to increase blatant acts of censorship… I for one am not in the least bit surprised that the pricks in charge have been using their ‘social media’ bullshit platforms as their method of suppressing knowledge about the truth behind their criminal actions… Both of the main ‘social media’ platforms known as “Facebook” and “Twitter” have finally shown their true colours as platforms of LIES and censorship, and have vindicated everything that I have said about them for the last decade… I for one have NEVER had either of those disgusting platforms anywhere on any of my devices, computers, etc… And I am once again calling on everyone to take a stand against their evil by deleting these platforms from their devices and permanently…. Lets not put up with their bullshit and send them a clear message that censorship should never be anywhere in our modern societies, period…

I did indeed open up this blog to anyone wanting to send comments, even if they are ‘anonymous’, for I have wanted to hear from everyone that has material to send my way in this fight for our future… But in doing so, I have now come under increasing attacks again from those nefarious scumbags in the JIDF/Hasbara group of idiots… Yes, they have been sending me their usual crap about me being an ‘antisemitic’ once again which makes me howl for the fact that these idiots do not even understand what that term actually entails in terms of its very definition… But what the heck right? Stupidity reigns supreme with those morons and I continue to look at them as nothing more than rejects from clown college…. But beyond these agents of disinformation, I have also received some comments once again from the ‘Flat Earth’ moron club of stupidity, and honestly I have wondered why they are still around?…The bottom line is that due to increasing filth from all of these idiots now increasing, I may have to once again close my comment sections to ‘anonymous’ comments, which is too bad because again I have wanted to hear from the real patriots and knowledgable people out there for their thoughts…

And someone asked me last week as to WHY I keep going? I have never been a quitter in any aspect of what I have done over the last 6 decades from my early youth….. I saw things were not right with the world from an early age and have grown in the knowledge about the sickos trying to dominate the planet for years….. It is still a learning curve even now into my early 60’s and there is so much yet to discover and understand… I have not only been trying to use this platform to reach so many out there with the real facts about what is happening and to give my own interpretation of what I see happening, but to learn myself and hopefully gain wisdom along the way…. I do thirst for knowledge all the time and have no fear in sharing that knowledge gained with anyone that wants to know or just simply comes out and asks me…..And lets face it for I am never always right and will freely admit to errors and mistakes, which makes me a human being, right?? This is why I am not going to give up on the hope that through my efforts I can still reach some semblance of humanity..

OK, I have had someone also ask me last week my why I continue to call a lot of people out there ‘stupid’, ‘gullible’, ‘morons’, ‘retards’, ‘brain dead zombies’, etc, etc… And my answer is so simple: WHAT do you want me to call those who lack brain cells and cannot even bother to see what is happening around them? Intelligent?….. I am not holding any punches back when I use those terms, for the fact is that most human beings are indeed very unintelligent and do act these days like mindless sheep… The old term of “if the shoe fits…” does come to mind when I see most people these days accepting their enslavement and acting like mindless zombies and automatons…. Critical thinking skills have gone the way of the dinosaur for so many, and you cannot reach them no matter how hard you do try….. If by using those terms many are shocked and pissed off at me, then fine.. I have to ask those naysayers what wording would you describe most people these days who have allowed common sense and the ability to simply ask questions AND actually use rational thought, to disappear? This is why I have indeed stuck to the saying ‘You simply cannot fix stupid’, for I see it every time I go out the door and into the world of ‘COVID-LAND’…. I therefore am through pussyfooting around reality here and will continue to tell it exactly as it is… If by using shocking terms to try to wake some people up helps, then all the better..

And lets face the facts here about people in general… As human beings it is a proven fact that most people are indeed followers and NOT leaders… Most will blindly accept something due to the fact that the majority have accepted it, even though many know it to be absolutely wrong… People are fearful of not following the majority, thinking that if they say ‘no’ then they will be labeled as ‘outcasts’ or ‘rebels’ and possibly be ‘shunned’ by the majority…. This all is a fact about human psychology, and is sometimes termed as ‘herd mentality’…. But of course the ultra criminals are fully aware of these aspects as being a weakness of humanity and have exploited it throughout this entire scam-demic and are indeed using it to push their next phase of control through their plans to ‘vaccinate’ us all…. Thus once again when it comes to those ‘radicals’ out there such as myself, we are always labeled as the ‘outcasts’ and the ones to be ‘hated’ and ‘ignored’ for our beliefs as the rest of the herd has fallen victim to the brainwashing and propaganda and will not say ‘something is wrong’ and are programmed to ‘hate’ those who see things differently….. This is why we are indeed in the mess we see happening right now, as most will not even bother to question and THINK anymore and have instead accepted so many things that are absolutely wrong..

Yes, I have used this ‘rant’ to tackle the more ‘cerebral’ issues that have always been on my mind, and to hopefully give more a better understanding of what makes me ‘tick’…. I have no fear of prejudice, hatred, or of those who say I am so wrong… I say ‘bring it on..’ and put me up to the challenge….. And for those who say I am somehow ‘nuts’ or a “kook” then show me where, how, and why, and prove it….. I have been writing here for 12 years now and have always been like an ‘open book’ and have stood behind everything that I have written and done…..I have NO need for personal gain and/or glory and have lived by that motto for the last few decades….. And if people feel that I should be ‘censored’ for what I say and write, then that is their opinion as well, as censorship should have zero place in our societies as it does work against peoples’ rights for free speech, period.. Take your ‘censorship’ elsewhere for it has no place here..

OK, I have rambled enough as I wanted to get a few things off my mind for this rant… But of course there is a LOT happening in our world that I would love to give my ‘two cents worth’ and I will try to do so right here in my usual last minute tidbits…….Yes, criminal election thief, that psychotic dementia filled pedophile called ‘Joseph Biden’ is about to be inaugurated this coming Wednesday in the formerly free nation called the United States, and honestly I could not care less. I said for months now that the American people had their chance to save their republic, and you all now get exactly what you deserve for that incompetence by allowing the Communists to take over. Just watch as hell on Earth is going to happen in America over the next few months and most Americans will blindly accept it!……..And how long will it be before dementia filled Joey there steps down and puts even more psychotic Kamala Harris in charge? John Kaminski said to me last week ’27 days’ after the inauguration before psycho Kamala takes over, and he may be right or pretty damn close…….And just you wait, white Americans, for Kamala does indeed hate every white person in the United States and wants to enact laws that remove the fraud of “white privilege”. Yes, this psychotic bitch is truly this insane…….And what about outgoing President Donald Drumpf? Lets be serious here, for if he was NOT part of this entire political charade, he could have ended this entire fiasco months back, and heck even years back by changing the rules for elections and even ballot counting. But of course he answers only to the same Jewish masters and controllers as that “Joe Biden” does and therefore what we did just witness is indeed all a ‘circus’ act, and as PT Barnum said “There is a sucker born every minute” which applies to the American people…. And that “impeachment’ that we just saw last week? What a joke! President Drumpf is out the door in 3 more days, so what were the pricks doing that fraud impeachment going to do? To me, this once again was nothing more than political circus and more fluff and bullshit to further cloud the minds of most American sheep out there…. The real issue in America is the plans to use that ‘false flag’ attack on the US Capitol building 10 days ago as the way of destroying American rights and freedoms under the guise of a criminal new ‘domestic terrorism’ bill that supposedly was drawn up MONTHS before that fraud false flag actually took place! The plan all along was to further strip the rights and freedoms of the American people and all they needed was their false flag to pull it off……..Meanwhile the US is indeed proceeding ahead with calling the Houthi resistance in Yemen ‘terrorists’ and therefore not only lay the groundwork for a possible full fledged attack on Yemen under the guise of ‘fighting terrorism’ but also to use that new ‘title’ as a means of cutting off vital aid to the Yemen people to further starve them into submission. Yes, the US is bound and determined now to ‘assist’ Saudi Arabia in the war in Yemen, that turned into a fiasco for the Saudis, and give them their ‘victory’ after 8 years of murder, and genocide against the Yemeni people……Is war against Iran still on the table and shortly? Considering the recent ‘attacks’ against Iranian power plants by possibly another of Israel’s patented ‘viruses’, I would not bet against it…. And of course we have the criminal psychos in Israel attacking what they falsely claim are ‘Iranian installations’ in Syria over the last week in the hope of provoking Syria to ‘ retaliate’ in kind against Israeli targets which would bring the US running to the ‘defence’ of that psychotic state. And thus trigger a massive new regional war against both Syria AND Iran to boot. Nothing changes when it comes to the psychos in Israel and their unending thirst for war and bloodshed, apparently…. Amazingly, that asshole prick in charge here in Canada, Justin Trudeau, has been a bit silent this last week and there has been for the last week NO new scandals concerning him and his criminal entourage. But with billions of Canadian taxpayer dollars wasted by this prick already through his long list of scandals, just wait for something will arise. But what are the Canadian people doing about this asshole? Nothing as the people out east of here for the strangest reasons love him and I do wonder if it is due to the Fluoride in the water they drink?……….I saw the reports that the National Rifle Association (NRA) in America went bankrupt this last week. I just hope that this does not signal the criminal Biden administration to try to get rid of the 2nd amendment and the rights of the American public to bear arms. Now more than ever every American should have a gun and be prepared to use it in case the fucking Communists come calling to remove their rights and freedoms right in their own homes……..Seriously? Some idiotic firm in France has come out with ‘dog collars’ that will ring if someone is closer than ‘2 meters’ away from you to enforce the fraud of ‘social distancing’? Honestly, if this is the shape of things to come, then we are truly all fucked!!!…….I see my team, Arsenal, tied Crystal Palace last week 0-0, and has a big game coming out tomorrow against Newcastle United. My team is still in the middle of the pack and honestly this has indeed turned into another ‘rebuilding year’ for the Gunners. I do want to see things return to a REAL normal where actual fans can go to the stadiums in the UK to watch all teams in the EPL play, but that may be a pipe dream………In the world of useless air breathers Harry and Meagan, apparently these two parasites were accused last week of using their son ‘Archibald’ as ‘click bait’ to get people to go to their brain dead Spotify podcasts. Of course these two morons are doing exactly that, as they have nothing else to entice people to waste their time to listen to their gibberish. Maybe its time for these two useless eaters and parasites to quit while they are behind and high tail it back to the UK to suck off the criminal Royal family for handouts rather than try to get it from the American people……And finally in the nauseating world of Kardashian skank-ville, there is word that Kanye West and main skank Kim were planning to divorce last summer. The facts are the sooner Kanye gets the hell away from that useless trollop the sooner the brain damage done can possibly be reversed. Such is the effect these skanks have had on ALL of the men’s lives that they have destroyed so far…

More to come


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