Planned Collapse Of The Supply Chain Next? The German Government Is Planning Mandatory #COVID19 Tests For Truckers – Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt Managing Director Of The Federal Association Of Freight Transport. Logistics and Waste Management (BGL) Warns: “The Government Is Deliberately Directing Us Into A Supply (Chain) Collapse!”

The German government is planning mandatory COVID tests for truckers.

From the article (Germany’s BILD newspaper):

Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt managing director of the Federal Association of Freight Transport, Logistics and Waste Management (BGL) warns:

“The government is deliberately directing us into a supply (chain) collapse!”

The following has been sent to me by two readers:


“Wir werden auf den Versorgungskollaps vorbereitet!”

(Click on image to enlarge.)

E. S. (10 Jan 2021):

“In Zusammenhang mit der o.g. Zeitungsmeldung über Zwangstests für LKW-Fahrer möchte ich noch einmal daran erinnern, was ich im November geschrieben hatte bzw. mir zugeschickt wurde: “Der Chef der Spedition hat alle Mitarbeiter zusammen gerufen und mitgeteilt, dass ab dem 18. Januar ein kompletter lockdown kommen wird, und ab dem Tag wird die Spedition nicht mehr ausfahren. Das ist Deutschlandweit geplant, inklusive der Supermärkte, wie Du es schon geschrieben hast.”

Google translation:

“In connection with the above newspaper report about compulsory tests for truck drivers, I would like to remind you again what I wrote or was sent to me in November: The head of the forwarding company has called all employees together and announced that a complete lockdown will come from January 18th, and from that day the forwarding company will no longer leave. This is planned throughout Germany, including the supermarkets, as you have already written.”


I’ve been warning you for many years now about the planned total financial/economic collapse and I’ve stressed many times the importance of having water, food supplies and survival gear, etc.

100 Items to Disappear First (Posted this in 2008)

How I built my ultimate 25 pound bug out bag

More under Preparedness (12 pages).

Continue to…

…because it’s coming.

It may not come on Jan 18 (in Germany), as mentioned above, but it will happen eventually, one way or another.

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4 thoughts on “Planned Collapse Of The Supply Chain Next? The German Government Is Planning Mandatory #COVID19 Tests For Truckers – Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt Managing Director Of The Federal Association Of Freight Transport. Logistics and Waste Management (BGL) Warns: “The Government Is Deliberately Directing Us Into A Supply (Chain) Collapse!””

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