Fed Disaster: S&P Futures Crash, Halted Limit Down; #Gold, Treasuries Soar After Historic #Fed Panic
The Fed has a very big problem on its hands.https://t.co/DqxKYyhkol#BreakingNews #Collapse #USA #Investing #Trading #Stocks
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Fed Panics: Powell Cuts Rates To Zero, Announces $700BN QE5, Unveils Enhanced Global Swap Lineshttps://t.co/gnJAe7aLxw#BreakingNews #Collapse #USA
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
With All Eyes On Outbreak, Putin Signs Law That Could See Him In Power To 2036
Controversial change to the constitution now heads to a nationwide vote planned for April 22.https://t.co/DXuyS6Corv#BreakingNews #Russia #Putin
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 16, 2020
The World Is Hit With A $12 Trillion Dollar Margin Call
Last week the world got a dollar margin call, one which according to JPM is now $12 trillion, 60% of US GDP, and roughly double where it was during the financial crisis.https://t.co/UroRUl6d2G#BreakingNews #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
New York Governor Cuomo To #Trump: Mobilize The #Military https://t.co/i3GkymuyGD#BreakingNews #Breaking #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019 #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Investors Should Brace For A Record Decline in GDPhttps://t.co/5PFwnEuZCg#BreakingNews #Economy #Economics #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Midtown Manhattan Bank Runs Out Of $100 Bills Amid Corona Panic
"There had been a "nonstop" stream of customers stockpiling cash."https://t.co/wZVMNVmj7J#BreakingNews #Breaking #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019 #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Dow Indicated 1,000 Lower Ahead Of Futures Open
… where it goes from there is anyone's guess.https://t.co/BkgbDVjLOL#BreakingNews #Investing #Trading #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
This is the scene at O’Hare airport. The traveler who took the photo said it’s a 6-hour wait for bags then on to customs for 2-4 more of waiting in shoulder-to-shoulder crowds. Police are handing out water and disinfectant wipes. @fly2ohare #ord #coronavirus #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/UTx9E0nj1s
— Brooke Geiger McDonald (@BrookeGMcDonald) March 15, 2020
#IlhanOmar Under Fire For Marrying Consultant Whose Firm Was Paid Nearly $600K By Her Campaign
"Payments to the firm in the 2019-2020 cycle for Omar’s reelection campaign comprised 40 percent of total campaign expenses…"https://t.co/smQXyAduP2#BreakingNews #USA
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Fed Expected To Announce CP Bailout Facility Within Hours Or Risk Money Market Panichttps://t.co/ogROu24Qs5#BreakingNews #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
Sure! And you can trust a former Goldman Sucks bankster and Skull & Bones member…
Mnuchin Says Covid-19 Pandemic Won't Trigger US Recession
"There's some businesses that are booming." https://t.co/jGxsmgWAJS
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
The Real Crisis Starts Now In Europe
…the beginning of the real political balkanization that’s coming to the European Union over the next few years.https://t.co/6gB9INDycM
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 15, 2020
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The first solid extra terrestrial evidence the Eddy Minimum is exposing the planet to the Cosmic Radiation, exactly as predicted by the climate sceptics.
No doubt it will be minimalists or trashed by the gong searchers, puppets and parasites.