Carnage: Credit, Crude, & The Yield Curve Crushed As Fed Admits "Credibility Eroding" #Trading #Collapse #BreakingNews
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
Elizabeth Warren ends presidential campaign – destroyed by her extremes of Wokeness (Phew!)
— David Icke (@davidicke) March 6, 2020
Iran Hawks Pressuring White House To Halt 'Humanitarian' Medicine To Iran Amid Outbreak #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
Federal Reserve To Quarantine Dollars From Asia On Covid-19 Transmission Concerns #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
Black Swan-Dive
We are now seeing a jagged swan dive in markets. Or rather a Black Swan-dive, as yields and stocks tumble in unison, and credit spreads widen. #Investing #trading #Collapse #Stocks
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
Twin Suicide Bombings Target US Embassy In Tunisia
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
#UK Council Removes "Transphobic" Flags Because They Displayed Dictionary Definition Of The Word "Woman" #BreakingNews
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
"Unparalleled Disruption": 290 Million Students Around The World Face Weeks At Home #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
Army Doubles Purchase Of New Sniper Rifle
President Trump is rebuilding the military ahead of the next major conflict. #USA #Military #Trump
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
"We Have Never Seen This Before": The Last Time The Market Did This, FDR Confiscated All The Gold #Trading #Gold
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
#BlackSwan Fund That Crushed It In 2008 Has Best Month Since The Financial Crisis
"February was our best month since 2008 and we believe the strongest performance is likely ahead of us." #Trading #Collapse
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
All Major US Banks Have Begun Contingency Plans – Splitting Trading, Sales Groups In Virus Response #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
US Stocks Crash Into Red On Week, Treasury Yields Are Utterly Collapsing
This is utterly unprecedented. #Investing #trading #Collapse #Stocks
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
"Today Will Be A Regretful Day": Oil Prices Have Collapsed After OPEC+ Talks End Without A Deal
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
"This Is It! The Party's Over": Will Covid-19 Cause A New Financial Crisis?
"The world is now facing the gravest economic and social downturn in Modern Times"#BreakingNews #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019 #Investing #Trading
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
Minimum-Wage Blowback: Fast Food Burger-Flipping Robot Works For $3 An Hour
"Off-the-shelf robot arms had plunged in price in recent years…" #BreakingNews #Robots
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
Boston Fed's Rosengren Says Fed May Soon Have To Buy Stocks
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
Bank Of America: "We Are In A Global Recession"
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
Massacre In Kabul Targeted Politicians, Leaves 27 Dead: Presidential Candidate Barely Escapes
Chairman of the Afghan High Peace Council filmed diving off the stage mid-speech as massacre ensues…
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 7, 2020
Walmart Considers 5G for All Health Clinics and Stores Despite Warnings AND Illness Where It’s Been Activated
— David Icke (@davidicke) March 6, 2020
In 1987, Joe Biden claimed he marched in the civil rights movement. A few months later, Biden disavowed the claim. Decades later, during the Obama era, and more recently on the campaign trail, he started making the same claims again.
— The Intercept (@theintercept) March 6, 2020
U.S. to begin taking DNA samples from migrants crossing border or in detention for federal criminal database
— BlackListed News (@BlacklistedNews) March 6, 2020
Coca-Cola Accused of Funding Colombian Death Squad
— BlackListed News (@BlacklistedNews) March 6, 2020
Meltdown: Stocks Tumble, Yields Crater As Coronapanic Infects Traders #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19 #Collapse #COVIDー19 #COVID_19 #COVID2019
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) March 6, 2020
The Skripal Case – Two Years On
— David Icke (@davidicke) March 6, 2020
Pence and Pompeo at AIPAC
— David Icke (@davidicke) March 6, 2020
Get those tweets translated…
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As I’ve said for a decade, the world economy never recovered after the 2008 collapse rehearsal
The utter nonsense of ‘recovery’ followed by endless QE which never filtered down, and was used to keep stock prices up to give the perpetual illusion of growth, could never stand up to scrutiny, as world debt continued to rocket at the same rate as poverty.
It is about time this charade was exposed for what it is, and thankfully Vlad is doing the bidding for the PTB, so at least as it unfolds, we will have a bogey man.