This is the best and probably the only fire you can risk to make in an extreme SHTF situation (if any at all!).
It can’t be seen from a distance and it can be easily & IMMEDIATELY put out if needed.
This stealth fire can really be improved upon until you can only see it from a VERY, VERY short distance.
Recommended tool (not only for the Dakota Fire Hole) and now on sale…
Cold Steel: Spetsnaz® Shovel (With Sheath) $39.98 $25.99
(I am NOT affiliated with Cold Steel and earn NOTHING by recommending this to you.)
This ‘Spetsnaz Shovel’ can be used as a weapon and is important to built a hidden/stealth survival shelter/camp, among many other useful applications.
Don’t miss to watch the following video by…
…The Gray Bearded Green Beret…
Dave Canterbury…
Video in German by ‘Sacki’ (Kai Sackmann)…
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SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China raised its coal-fired power capacity by 42.9 gigawatts (GW), or about 4.5%, in the 18 months to June, connecting new projects to the grid at a time when capacity in the rest of the world shrank, according to a study published on Wednesday.
China plans 226 GW of new coal power projects: environmental groups