World News (October 1, 2018 Edition): Travelers to New Zealand who refuse a digital strip search will be fined $5000 – Georgetown Prof: White GOP Senators In #Kavanaugh Hearing “Deserve Miserable Deaths” – Martin Armstrong Warns Kavanaugh Is The Tipping Point For Decline & Fall Of America – Father Of World Wide Web Launches Platform Which Aims To Radically Decentralize The Internet – Iran Launches Ballistic Missiles Into Syria Against Terror Camps East Of Euphrates

Alois Irlmaier predicted the coming civil war in 1950…


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3 thoughts on “World News (October 1, 2018 Edition): Travelers to New Zealand who refuse a digital strip search will be fined $5000 – Georgetown Prof: White GOP Senators In #Kavanaugh Hearing “Deserve Miserable Deaths” – Martin Armstrong Warns Kavanaugh Is The Tipping Point For Decline & Fall Of America – Father Of World Wide Web Launches Platform Which Aims To Radically Decentralize The Internet – Iran Launches Ballistic Missiles Into Syria Against Terror Camps East Of Euphrates”

  1. Courtesy of Defense Industry Daily

    Beggars belief.

    Lockheed Martin announces a significant price drop of the F-35 JSF. The company recently received an $11.5 billion order for 141 F-35s from the Pentagon. This is the biggest batch ordered yet, and includes the purchase of 91 aircraft for US services, 28 for international development partners and 22 for FMS customers. The F-35A version sees a drop of 5.4%, now costing $89.2 million per unit. The F-35B, which is considered to be the most expensive variant of the JSF drops by 5.7% to a price of $115.5 million and the F-35C, designed for carrier operations, drops 11.1% to 107.7 million. The F-35 JSF fighter program is considered to be the most expensive procurement program in history and is expected to cost $1.5 trillion over its projected 55-year lifetime. Production of the aircraft started this year and deliveries will begin in 2019.


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