#GrandSolarMinimum Update 9/27/18 – Arctic Blast Turns Autumn To Winter – ‘Start Stockpiling Food NOW’ (Video) – #GlobalCooling #ClimateChange – The Dakota Fire Hole: Stealth Fire (Video)

Look who recommended this to you in January 8, 2016

Solo Stove Lite: Compact Wood Burning Backpacking Stove & Solo Pot 900: Lightweight Stainless Steel Backpacking Pot For Solo Stove

This one should go into your BoB or INCH bag!

The only other fire that you may be able to make during the coming collapse (if any at all!!!) is the Dakota fire, because it can be made almost invisible and it is the only (other) campfire that can be fast & easily turned out, if your scout(s) is (are) telling you to put it out immediately, because potential enemy forces are approaching…

Every other campfire will draw attention to you & your family from a great distance…

…and will probably kill all of you!!!

Make no mistake about that. Remember this, please.

And even the smoke coming from the Dakote fire (shown in the video) can be still improved further by using another very simple trick.

So for the coming collapse you may add to the very well known survivalist saying “cotton kills!” another one, which is:

“SMOKE (and all visible light) KILLS!!!”

…because it will.

And no, you cannot set up a ‘normal’ Bushcraft camp in the forest during the coming collapse, because also your base camp should be as well-camouflaged & invisible as possible.

* * *

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4 thoughts on “#GrandSolarMinimum Update 9/27/18 – Arctic Blast Turns Autumn To Winter – ‘Start Stockpiling Food NOW’ (Video) – #GlobalCooling #ClimateChange – The Dakota Fire Hole: Stealth Fire (Video)”

  1. Not only Selena Gomez putting up satanic hand questures, (symbols)- but also Trump, and other presidents it the Freemason satanic religion in supposed to be “secret” but in 2018 its not secret no more.


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