– Italy first! 50,000 demonstrators turn out to support anti-Islamisation candidate Matteo Salvini:
Italy’s elections are in a week and campaigns in the country are running on full speed. The leader of Italy’s right-wing Lega party, Matteo Salvini, organised a successful rally in Milan yesterday.
At least 50,000 Italians were present at Milan’s Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square), Salvini said on Facebook. He thanked the people who came to support him and the thousands who were watching his live stream.
Salvini’s Lega party has a good chance to win the elections. Together with Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, the party formed a right-wing bloc to keep the left out.
Polls show the parties have at least 37% of the electorate and are only between two to four percentage points apart within their alliance.
If Salvini and Berlusconi’s bloc wins the elections, the biggest party of the right-wing alliance can choose the Prime Minister.
The elections are next week, on Sunday, the 4th of March.
- “Europe can go f*ck itself”: Italy’s right party leader sees rise in popularity
- Italian eurosceptic party leader Matteo Salvini wants to close illegal mosques, says Islam “incompatible with Italian values”
- Head of Italy’s ultra-nationalist Lega Nord party Matteo Salvini vows to kick out 100k migrants per year if elected PM
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Anti-establishment……….until they are either bought or threatened…..or both!