The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies

The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies:

New information has come to light about thousands of mostly Yemeni children believed to have been abducted in the 1950s.

Tel Aviv – For nearly 40 years, everything about Gil Grunbaum’s life was a lie, including his name.

He was not, as he had always assumed, the only son of wealthy Holocaust survivors who owned a baby garments factory near Tel Aviv. Grunbaum had been stolen from his mother by doctors at a hospital in northern Israel in 1956, moments after she gave birth.

His biological parents – recent immigrants to Israel from Tunisia – were told their child had died during delivery. They were sent home without a death certificate and denied the chance to see their baby’s body or a grave.

Despite his darker looks, it never occurred to Grunbaum that the parents who raised him were not biologically related to him. Now aged 60, he says the discovery was “the most shocking moment imaginable. Everyone I loved – my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins – had been deceiving me for decades.”

And so had government officials.

“Even when I discovered by chance that I was adopted, the welfare services did everything they could to try to stop me finding my biological family,” Grunbaum told Al Jazeera. “No one wanted me to know the truth.”

After a three-year search in the late 1990s, he finally learned his family’s name – Maimon – and tracked down his birth mother to the suburbs of Haifa in northern Israel. Some 41 years after they were separated, the two met for the first time, in an emotional reunion.

Grunbaum’s story would be deeply disturbing if it was unique. But growing evidence suggests that there could be thousands of other children who were abducted in Israel’s first decade.

H/t reader squodgy:

“Lies, deceit, kidnapping, sleeze ….and jews.

Yet people are openly ridiculed, trashed, threatened and generally overpowered, should they question the lies they are being forced to accept, and many of those lies go back to Poland & East Germany.

I have learnt to my cost to never trust a jew, and that has nothing whatsoever to do with Anti-Semitism (a misnomer itself), it is based on many personal experiences, and witnessing their total despising of we simple Goy.”

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