Daily Fail Propaganda Alert: Sexually transmitted or even passed from mouth to mouth, the HPV virus is the cause of our fastest-growing killer cancer. The NHS immunises girls against it but NOT boys. Why? Because it’s cheaper to protect them

Sexually transmitted or even passed from mouth to mouth, the HPV virus is the cause of our fastest-growing killer cancer. The NHS immunises girls against it but NOT boys. Why? Because it’s cheaper to protect them:

  • The jab grants immunity to the human papillomavirus and is free to young girls
  • Vaccinating boys as well would cost an insignificant additional £22million a year
  • Prof Margaret Stanley: ‘Not to immunise boys is classic Treasury short-termism’

The NHS is refusing to give teenage boys an inexpensive vaccine that grants long-term protection against Britain’s fastest-growing form of cancer – on the grounds that it is cheaper to treat deadly tumours later in life.

The jab grants immunity to the human papillomavirus (HPV), and has been provided free to all girls aged 12 to 13 since 2008 because HPV causes cervical cancer.

But it is now known it also causes ‘oropharyngeal’ cancer of the tongue, mouth and throat, whose incidence is rocketing, as well as tumours of the genitals and anus.

H/t reader kevin a.
Related info:

SHOCK STUDY: Ten percent of Canadian females receiving HPV vaccines are sent to Emergency Rooms… scientists declare rate to be ‘low’ for vaccines

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WAR ON HEALTH – The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny (Documentary)

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